895B.2547/1–2754: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1


699. Your 720.2 After coordination Wood you are authorized reply for Secretary to Pyun re tungsten purchases along following lines:

U.S. Government requirements tungsten either met or under contract. No Government funds exist purchase additional tungsten. Present contractual obligations being reduced where possible.
U.S. shares ROK concern re impact termination contract on Korean tungsten industry and prepared furnish marketing and technical assistance and finance capital improvements if necessary within framework aid program to improve efficiency mines so world competition can be met.
Suggest plan looking increased efficiency be developed which probably will involve capital improvements over period years.

  1. This telegram was drafted by Howard Smith of FE/NA and cleared by Robertson and by representatives of FOA, the Army, and OMP.
  2. Dated Jan. 27, p. 1737.