795.00/6–2753: Telegram

The Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Department of State


31. Repeated information niact Pusan 25, niact Tokyo 25 for Ambassador Murphy and General Clark. Personal for the Secretary and Johnson from Robertson.

After conference which General Clark and I had this afternoon with President Rhee, following aide-mémoire drawn up and delivered at Rhee’s request. Clark and I are meeting with Rhee at 6:30 to receive his confirmation of aide-mémoire. I will report results of that meeting later.1 Text of aide-mémoire follows:

“With reference to the conversation held today between President Rhee, Assistant Secretary of State Walter Robertson and General Mark Clark, there are confirmed the following points upon which President Rhee requested clarification:

  • “(1) That the Government of the ROK, among other things, will direct its armed forces to carry out the orders of the UNC in maintaining the security of the remaining Korean non-repatriated POWs who are now in the custody of the UNC; and will cooperate with UNC in moving these POWs to the demilitarized zone where they will be turned over to the NNRC in accordance with agreed terms of reference; and that in case of Chinese non-Communist POWs now in custody of the UNC the Government of ROK will cooperate in turning them over to the NNRC in their present location on Chejudo in accordance with agreed terms of reference;
  • “(2) That the US Government cannot impose any time limit upon any other governments who may participate in the political conference to follow the armistice, but that if at the end of 90 days after opening of political conference it becomes clear that conference is not making [Page 1280] progress and is being exploited by the Communists to infiltrate and propagandize or otherwise embarrass the ROK the US Government would be prepared to act in concert with the ROK with a view of retiring jointly with the ROK from the political conference;
  • “(3) That after the signing of armistice agreement US Government would be willing to have a high-level conference with President Rhee or his representative at some intermediate point to confer on all aspects of our common objectives at political conference to follow within 90 days after effective date of armistice;
  • “(4) That US Government is prepared to provide economic assistance to the ROK and logistical and other support for the strengthening and maintenance of the armed forces of ROK including ROK Army up to the level of more or less 20 divisions; and
  • “(5) That the US Government is prepared immediately to begin negotiations with ROK looking towards conclusion of a mutual defense treaty along general lines of present mutual defense treaty between Governments of US and Philippines.

“The above assurances from the Government of the US are dependent upon agreement of Government of ROK;

To accept the authority of the UNC to conduct and conclude the hostilities,
To support the armistice entered into between CINCUNC and the commanders of the Communist forces, and to pledge its full support and collaboration in carrying out the terms thereof, and
That the armed forces of the ROK will remain under the operational control of CINCUNC until Governments of US and ROK mutually agree that such arrangements are no longer necessary.

“It would be appreciated if Government of ROK would confirm the above agreement. [”]

  1. See unnumbered telegram from Clark, infra.