FE files, lot 55 D 338, “South Korean Attitude Toward Armistice, May 1953”

The Chief of Staff United States Army (Collins) to the Commander in Chief Far East (Clark)

top secret

DA 940242. From CSUSA for CINCUNC exclusive for Gen Clark ref our DA 9402381 and your CX 62747.2 JCS have authorized me to transmit following: [Page 1124]

Consideration has just been given to current difficulties with ROK Government and your plan “Everready”.
We cannot concur with any action on your part which would establish a UNC military government in ROK. However in event of internal ROK political or military disaffection against present ROK Government, you as the responsible military commander will take whatever other steps you deem appropriate to safeguard the integrity and security of your forces.
Instructions re the offer to Rhee of a bilateral security pact are contained in separate radio3 dispatched simultaneously.

  1. Dated May 29, p. 1119.
  2. Dated May 30, p. 1120.
  3. Telegram DA 940241, supra.