Matthews files, lot 53 D 413: Telegram

The Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Clark) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

operational immediate

C 62136. Refs:1 A. Z 36322. B. Z 36388. C. HNC 1634. D. CX 62041. E. CX 62035.

Ref A states the agreement on exchanging info regarding details of the folg day’s sick and injured repatriation scd. Ref B quotes the Communist reply to a UNC rqst for such info, made from a prepd statement, to the effect that agreed repatriation of Communist-held sick and injured UNC pers was completely finished.
In para 4 of ref C, I stated my intention to introduce an increased figure of Communist sick and injured pers to be repatriated. In ref D I informed you of my decision to withhold such action until evaluated intel had become aval. Ref E initiated a series of intel repts regarding evidence that the Communists were withholding the return of numerous sick and injured UNC pers rightfully eligible for repatriation under the terms of the 11 Apr agreement.
In the next 3 to 4 days I expect to have suf evidence to fully support an unequivocal charge that the Communists are violating their 11 Apr agreement to return all sick and injured UNC and ROK pers held in their POW installations. At that time I intend to take the following actions:
Arrange a meeting of liaison groups.
Have Admiral Daniel announce that the UNC cannot acpt as ofl the 26 Apr statement of the Communist Duty Off quoted in ref B, and announce that the UNC demand ofl confirmation by the head of the Communist Liaison Group (who was the signatory to the 11 Apr agreement). Regular meetings of the liaison group will then be called and the demand rptd until the Communists either confirm or deny the statement. If Communists deny the statement was ofl, rqst will be made for immediate resumption of repatriation sick and injured.
Upon Communist confirmation, at heads of liaison group level, that they have completely finished and agreed upon repatriation of UNC sick and injured, Admiral Daniel will deliver the statements summarized below:
“Your statement that you have returned all sick and injured covered by the Geneva Convention in accordance with the 11 Apr agreement is disturbing and not in accordance with the facts in our possession.
UNC has indisputable evidence that you still hold large nrs of eligible pers who are fit to tvl and desire repatriation. After partial interrogation, the UNC has sworn statements of returnees which prove conclusively that more than 150 identified UNC pers, fully eligible and fit for return in expert and impartial medical opinion, remain in your POW installations. (Note—The figure of 150 will be expanded to include results of interrogation of ROKA sick and injured returnees now underway; I expect to have suf info to include figures on ROKA eligibles by 30 Apr.)
“Direct repatriation of sick and injured is continuing obligation. UNC even now screening additional sick and injured prisoners who will be returned. UNC not only expects but demands return of its eligible pers known to be held by your side. Such Communist action is mandatory if Communists are to avoid conviction of breaking agreement at time when only an assurance of good faith, by deeds, can insure continuation of armistice negotiations.”
If the basis evaluated intel included in the foregoing summary had been more complete, the foregoing would have been dlvrd on 27 Apr; but since I wish to have unmistakable proof of UNC charges first, and desire substantial evidence that these charges apply also to ROK pers, I withheld action. This decision to postpone action was also influenced by my desire to permit more time for a clear picture of Communist contemplated measures for implementation of the Chou proposal to emerge without confusing the issue. I now intend to take this action at the earliest aprop date.
In the event the Communists demand specific info regarding names of camps in which these sick and injured are being retained, the UNC would reply along the folg lines:

“Although the evidence in this matter is incontrovertible, our grave concern for the future safety and well being of these unfortunate men held illegally by your side, and our apprehension that publication of their names at this time may adversely affect their welfare, make it advisable that we do not identify these sick and injured pers to you.”

  1. The following five reference telegrams are not printed. (Matthews files, lot 53 D 413)