795.00/2–252: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway)1

top secret
operational immediate

JCS 902159. From JCS.

Fullest consideration has been given at highest levels here to ur C 64383.2 US govt will not accept any agreement which would require use of force to repatriate to Commies POWs held by UNC who would violently oppose such repatriation and whose lives would be endangered thereby. This is final US govtal position. We believe this position can be maintained without use of any subterfuge. Accordingly, as promptly as practicable after courses of action contained in paras 3a, 3b, and 3c (2), C 64383, you are directed at a time and by a method considered appropriate by you to remove from POW status those who you consider would be so fearful of their lives if returned to Commie control that they may be expected violently to resist repatriation. This should be carried out in manner best calculated to minimize possibilites of disorder in POW camps. Persons removed from POW status in accordance with foregoing directive will be retained in UNC custody pending further instructions.
Fol reclassification of POWs contemplated by this directive, Commies should be informed of removal of names of POWs from lists previously [Page 71] furnished to them and of willingness of UNC to enter into agreement for all-for-all exchange upon basis revised lists. It should be made clear in negots at Panmunjom that this action has been taken only because of refusal of Commies to enter into agreement for voluntary repatriation upon fair basis proposed by UNC, and that it is within precedent of reclassification already freely admitted to have been established by Commies.
Suggest you discuss public information aspects of this problem with Gen Floyd Parks3 now en route Tokyo with view developing coordinated public info plan.
Previous instructions regarding necessity to force Commies to initiate any break in negotiations remain in effect.
  1. This telegram was initialed in draft by Truman; draft copy is in file 795.00/2–2752.
  2. Dated Feb. 27, p. 66.
  3. Maj. Gen. Floyd L. Parks was Director of Information, Office of the Chief of Staff, Department of the Army.