795.00/2–2652: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea

top secret

628. Re Embtels 813, 819, 822, 829, 833, 835 and Deptels 615, 619.1 Dept deeply concerned developments described ref Embtels and aware difficult task which Emb being called upon perform. Action outlined Embtels 819 and 835 has been noted with particular approval.

Dept concurs in gen recommendations contained Embtel 829. Rhee and other ROK officials must be made realize that through their undemocratic practices and polit machinations US ability gain continued UN support for ROK may be seriously jeopardized and ROK itself must bear full responsibility for actions which may prejudice govt in eyes of free world. Unless UN has confidence in ROK’s responsibility, integrity and devotion to democratic principles it will be increasingly difficult rally essential UN support in future. ROK shld recall its dedication to freedom and justice of its cause provided basis for strong effective UN action and continued support following outbreak aggression Jun 25.

As repeatedly pointed out to ROK officials here US fully appreciates danger renewed aggression Korea, contemplates no early withdrawal troops and is taking active steps strengthen ROK forces. Furthermore UNKRA preparing commence full scale rehabilitation program as soon as conditions permit, indicating its confidence in future of ROK.

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FYI only: Greater sanction statement by 16 UN members participating Korean action (Deptel 619) to be issued immed after signing armistice will make it clear renewal attack in violation armistice will be promptly met. Statement not ltd to Chi Commie intervention but wld also apply case NK attack. Dept also considering and discussing with other selected nations possibility including appropriate provision in GA Res after armistice.

Re UNCURK, Dept awaiting reaction Austral Govt to suggestion to maintain strong representation UNCURK and seek influence 2 or 3 other govts such as Thailand, Neth and Turk do likewise. If advisable, US will also make representations these countries. Re Embtel 822, last para, Cordier apparently willing make trip subj SYG approval, which we hope can be obtained by Mar 1.2 Emb will be advised further.

Dept urgently studying various other possible ways and means mtg situation described ur reftels including govt to govt approach.

  1. Regarding telegrams 813, 819, and 615, see footnotes 5, 7, and 8, respectively, supra. In telegram 822 from Pusan, Feb. 20, 1952, the Embassy reported on Rhee’s “campaign of crude intimidation of his political opposition” (795B.00/2–2052). The Embassy suggested combining in the proposed letter from Truman the issues of American concern over South Korea’s anti-armistice campaign and its weakening in adherence to constitutional and democratic practices; telegram 829 from Pusan, Feb. 21, 1952 (795B.11/2–2152). In telegram 833 from Pusan, Feb. 23, 1952, the Embassy transmitted a suggested text of a letter from Ridgway to the ROK National Assembly in response to the Assembly’s questions concerning the armistice negotiations. The Embassy believed this letter offered an opportunity to refute the anti-armistice campaign (795.00/2–2352). Also part of the effort to blunt South Korean opposition to the armistice was a meeting between Rhee and Muccio on Feb. 21, as reported in telegram 835 from Pusan, Feb. 23, 1952 (795B.11/22352). Finally, in telegram 619 to Pusan, Feb. 20, 1952, the Department of State informed the Embassy that the sanctions statement and the mechanics of its release after the armistice had been approved by all 16 UN members participating in the Korean action (795.00/2–2052).
  2. In the last paragraph of telegram 822, the Embassy proposed strengthening UNCURK, then an “emasculated body” in Korea, by sending out a high UN Secretariat official to Korea in the immediate future.