Matthews files, lot 53 D 413: Telegram
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Clark)1
Washington, January 7, 1953—4:23
JCS 928097. From JCS.
- 1.
- Concur that immunity granted daily convoys between Pyongyang and Kaesong excessive for present conditions. However, in order reduce Commie propaganda exploitation while same time accomplishing greater part of objective preventing abuse by Commies, believe limitation convoy immunity to 1 day a week as suggested para 2, CX [Page 724] 608092 more appropriate and desirable this time than rescinding all immunity.
- 2.
- You are therefore authorized notify Commie del through lsn ofcrs3 that immunity will be granted 1 convoy each way once a week not exceeding size present daily convoys (understood here to be 6 trucks and 3 jeeps).
- 3.
- Restrict ur msg to Commies to mil considerations carefully avoid use any statement which might imply that UNC considers armistice negots have terminated or that ur action is designed to provoke Commies into breaking off negots. Msg cld expressly or by implication indicate that UNC wld reconsider scope immunity needed for Commie del convoys at such time as negots might be resumed accordance UNC del 8 Oct posit.
- 4.
- Assume you plan advise press of action taken, emphasizing fact that agreement covering Kaesong–Panmunjom–Munsan Ni is not affected by this action and further that there has never been any similar immunity granted us for our roads south of Munsan Ni.
- A notation on the JCS copy of this telegram indicated that U.A. Johnson cleared this in draft with UNA and P. (JCS records, 383.21 Korea (3–19–45))↩
- Dated Jan. 3, p. 721.↩
- In telegram CX 60931, Jan. 14, 1953, Clark provided Harrison with a statement notifying the Communist delegates at Panmunjom that the UNC would only grant immunity to one convoy a week and instructed him to deliver it to the Communist Delegation. (Matthews files, lot 53 D 413)↩