795.00/12–852: Telegram

No. 62
The Chargé in the Republic of China (Rankin) to the Department of State1


596. Dept pass Defense. Gen Chase returned yesterday from meeting Eisenhower2 in Korea and Gimo immed sent for him and for me to call at Shihlin residence where he was undergoing exam [Page 118] by US Army eye specialist sent here from Tokyo by Gen Clark at our rqst.

Discussion general in character re Chase’s trip and persons he met until possible use Chi Nat troops in Korea was mentioned. Gimo observed that question whether troops shld be sent or not was matter for consideration but added with emphasis his first concern must be security of Formosa. On huge Chi mainland there was always some place to retreat before advancing Japs but this comparatively small island is last stand.

Gimo then stressed vulnerability of Formosa to ChiComs air bombardment and expressed belief such attacks shld be expected if Chi Nat forces sent to Korea. He went on to say first heavy raid cld knock out island’s industry etc., and would have most serious effect on milit and civil morale in absence any evidence of effective def. Gimo did not believe Seventh Fleet in position provide air def for island which he considers can be mounted only by substantial force jet fighters based on Formosa. He hoped such force wld actually be based here before any invitation recd to contribute Chi Nat forces for Korea.

Comment: Gimo’s failure mention any other “condition” or furnishing troops for Korea does not exclude possibility addit demands. However it points Formosa’s greatest milit weakness. Fighter aircraft have been at top of Chi Nat rqsts for milit aid during past two years. Gimo feels keenly fact that while Soviets have sent many hundred modern planes to ChiComs only 20 odd obsolete aircraft so far delivered by US to Chi Nat air force. Latter was stronger than ChiCom air force in 50 when offer of Chi Nat troops for Korea first made.

  1. Repeated for information to Tokyo and Pusan.
  2. President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower visited Korea, Dec. 2–5.