751G.00/6–2654: Telegram

The Chargé at Saigon (McClintock) to the Department of State


2908. Repeated information Paris 1032, Geneva 266, London 76, Hanoi unnumbered. British Minister called on me this morning. He [Page 1752] said he was convinced that French had decided partition of Vietnam leaving Tonkin to Viet Minh. He questioned, however, whether Communists at this time would press for more than Tonkin as they might not wish to alarm Western opinion by attempting to take all of Vietnam at once. Graves thought that a solution could be reached re Cambodia and Laos and seemed disposed to feel that even an agreement “neutralizing” these countries would be acceptable. I said I did not share this opinion as I thought it strategically essential that at least Cambodia have opportunity to build up a military force which might become a real deterrent factor and that in Laos, although prospects were less bright, there was no reason to give away too much too soon. I likewise dwelt on strategic importance of air base at Tourane which could interdict British line of communications between Hong Kong and Singapore.

Graves felt that Bao Dai was finished in Vietnam and expressed doubt whether Ngo Dinh Diem could succeed in rallying people around him. He expects, as do I, that very soon shrill cries for help will be heard from the Vietnamese.
