751G.00/5–254: Telegram

The Chargé at Saigon (McClintock) to the Department of State


2176. Repeated information Paris niact 738, Geneva niact 29, Tokyo 85, Manila 222, Singapore 69. DeJean sent for me this morning to inform me that Viet Minh resumed general attack against central redoubt Dien Bien Phu last night and also attacked “Isabelle” for first time. After fierce fighting, Viet Minh took position 5 in “Huguette”, position 3 in “Bas Eliane” (former “Dominique”) and position 1 in “Haut Eliane”. Most important loss was position 5 in “Huguette” since already tiny drop zone is now further circumscribed. Position 1 in “Haut Eliane” gives Viet Minh additional control high ground commanding central fortifications. Attack on “Isabelle” means withdrawal that position’s artillery fire which had thus far supported central garrison.

Situation is grave. I talked briefly with Navarre at airport this morning prior his take-off for Hanoi. He told me he intended to mount some sort of relief operation or possible withdrawal Dien Bien Phu garrison.1 Fact he is stopping Vientiane en route to talk with De Crevecoeur indicates four battalions stationed Muong Sai will be involved in relief operation but exact nature of move is not known. DeJean will go to Hanoi tomorrow.

  1. In telegram 2184 from Saigon, May 3, McClintock noted that it was actually not General Navarre, but Navarre’s Chief of Staff, General Gambiez, who had said that possibilities for a relief operation or the withdrawal of the garrison of Dien Bien Phu were under examination. (751G.00/5–354)