396.1 LO/9–2854: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London1


Tosec 4. Second meeting with French September 28 on military subjects with Admiral Carney Department Defense representative.2 Carney expressed view and Ely agreed practical solution military problems subject working out stable political situation particularly Viet Nam and that remarks this meeting be exploration common US–France military problems. Ely expressed close cooperation US–French efforts.

Evacuation Operations: Carney pointed out need improve port management and adequate stevedoring and expressed concern US military shipping in excess needs. Ely emphasized personnel evacuation top priority early stage and recognized full tonnage capacity not used. Noted difficulty obtaining dock personnel and felt this now under control through use armed forces. To 15 September 330,000 civilian military personnel evacuated. Beginning 1 October primary effort will be matériel. Stated categorically no possibility military matériel following [falling] into Commie hands. Ely confirmed troop ships could be relieved by end October. Carney said plan leave LST and amphibious ships and would instruct commanders make local arrangements. General Allard said might be additional influx 100,000 at end evacuation but would give US advance warning. Carney asked better medical inspection be provided evacuees prior boarding and expressed view US evacuation ships be exempt pilotage charges Saigon. Ely stated former done; latter noted.

Ely said political situation regarding Viet Nam bad, government had no authority, in full crisis, and Viet Minh clandestinely administering some areas in south. Chaos resulted partly from conflict among the sects, impression disagreement between US–French, and efforts certain elements play US and France against each other. Problem is [Page 2087] to unite sects and display US–French cooperation. Security situation would improve when solid government established.

Reorganize and develop forces: In response Carney questions Ely said (1) mission FEC is (a) contribute insuring integrity 17th parallel demarcation line and security South Viet Nam during re-constitution Viet Nam army (b) assist activation Viet Nam army (c) if hostilities renewed to provide first echelon allied forces invoked under Manila Pact. (2) Role FEC defensive and temporary. Granting independence to Associated States implies withdraw FEC when no longer needed. Reorganization plan for FEC (a) ground forces: 7 divisions 1 infantry brigade, plus general reserve units to be phased down to 4 divisions and 1 infantry brigade by May 55: command autonomy Viet Nam army to be achieved; FEC and Viet Nam forces to be separated; strength reduced to 100,000 by 1 January 56. (b) Naval forces proportionate reduction, Air Forces remain present level. (3) Development Viet Nam army: (a) increase to strength 220–225,000 in 55. (b) achieve divisional organization, first divisions activation early 55. Forces to be 5 infantry and 1 airborne division plus regional security troops. (4) Territorial commands to be transferred Viet Namese. (5) Training: best solution along pattern US in Korea with advisors within divisions. Ely noted absence qualified leaders still acute and Diem had even suggested Frenchman as Chief of Staff but Ely stated first concern to have autonomous Viet Nam army commanded by Viet Namese eventually without French advisors. (6) Equipping Viet Nam Forces: Ely stated equipment now in Viet Nam sufficient for level contemplated and need only for replacement worn-out items. Allard intervened stated present equipment in hands Viet Nam and FEC barely sufficient. Without additional US shipments that tables of equipment would need be scaled down and there no reserve for maintenance. Urged that problem be reviewed and shipment permissible MDAP items stopped July be resumed. Serious difficulties anticipated unless items received to complete repair and reconstitute equipment. Fighter aircraft will be immobilized within weeks unless spare parts sent. Carney noted excess depot stocks which could be used as reserves and suggested inventories be made by US and France and that study be made facilities available storage matériel from north. Carney said could make no commitment resumption flow to FEC noting new post hostilities, conditions, existence depot stocks, prospective reduction FEC all factors to be considered. (7) Possible expansion of MAAG: Ely suggested caution lest violate cease-fire agreement and that subject be considered in its totality.

  1. Drafted by Purnell of PSA. Also sent priority to Paris as 1154, to Saigon as 1264, to Phnom Penh as 70, to Vientiane as 47, and to Hanoi as 359.
  2. The meeting occurred on the morning of Sept. 28; minutes are filed in Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 361 and CF 362.