[Page [750]] [Page 751]- Abello, Emilio, 605
- Abidin, 373
- Abikusno, 374
- Acheson, Dean:
- Acly, R. Austin, 63n, 83, 193–194, 218n, 232–234, 243–244
- Adams, Sherman, 684
- Adevoso, Terry, 551
- Aidit, 487
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 141–143
- Ali Sastroamidjojo:
- Indonesia:
- Economic situation, 445n, 446
- New Guinea dispute, 339
- Political situation, 366–370, 373–374, 377, 457, 490
- Trade embargo, 437–440, 444–445, 450–451
- United States, relations with, 280, 283–285, 318–319, 338, 340–342, 411
- U.S. economic assistance, 305–308, 311, 314–316, 339, 347–348
- U.S. military assistance, 288–289, 308–312, 315, 319–320, 363, 416, 483, 488
- Indonesia:
- Allen, George V., 178–179
- Allison, John M., 35, 63n, 64n, 71n, 255n, 294n, 497n, 503
- Alsop, Joseph, 52n
- Alsop, Stewart, 52n
- Anderson, Robert B., 371–372, 644, 708, 715, 725–728
- Andrews, Stanley, 103n, 296–301, 303, 337, 343–346
- ANZUS, 432, 608
- ANZUS Council, 505, 622
- Arameta, J. Amado, 548
- Arameta, Salvador, 561
- Arellano, Brig. Gen., 549, 629
- Argentina, 477n
- Arifin, 368
- Ari Liwira, 651
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 585, 589–590
- Arudji Kartawinata, 335
- Associated States (see also Indochina):
- Aung Gyi, Col., 111, 113n
- Australia, 169, 721
- Avelino, 548
- Ba, U, 232
- Ba Swe, U, 30, 38, 159n
- Babessa Daenglalo, 334
- Bachrun, Col., 430
- Baharuddin, 333
- Bajpai, Sir Girja Chankar, 22–24
- Balao, Brig. Gen., 606, 629
- Baldwin, Charles F., 436, 437, 636, 640–641, 642n
- Balluseck, D.J. von, 458
- Barrington, James, 69, 93–94, 135n, 151n, 218n, 232–233
- Battle Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 under Congress, U.S.: Acts of.
- Beach, Lt. Col. Gordon L., 256
- Belair, Felix, 278
- Bell, James D., 520, 531, 545, 554–556, 558–561, 586–589, 628n, 629, 645–646
- Bell Mission, 492, 497, 543, 582
- Bell Trade Act. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts of.
- Benninghoff, H. Merrell, 516
- Bingham, Jonathan B., 343
- Bishop of Jaro, 559
- Blair, Lt. Col. Melvin R., 694
- Blancke, W. Wendell, 218n, 243n
- Bolté, Lt. Gen. Charles L., 403
- Bonbright, James C.H., 254–255
- Bonsal, Philip W., 220
- Bowie, Robert R., 384–385, 684–686
- Bowles, Chester, 21–23, 24n
- Braddock, Daniel M., 562–564, 636
- Braden, Spruille, 516n
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 36, 667–669, 680
- Brazil, 169
- Broe, William V., 516
- Brown, Aaron S., 114, 116–118, 127–129
- Brownell Herbert S., 403, 569–570, 586n
- Bruce, David K.E., 39n
- Buddhism, 698
- Budiardjo, Ali, 256, 337n
- Burma (see also Burmese subheadings under
other subjects):
- Agreements with the United States:
- British military assistance, 26–27, 33–34, 36, 68, 194–196, 237–238
- British Services Mission, 26, 41, 123, 126, 130, 149, 162–163, 194, 196
- Chinese civilian internees in, 118, 120, 124–125, 128–129
- Communism in, 137, 453
- East-West trade, restrictions on, 83
- Economic situation, 233–234
- Israeli military assistance, 241n
- Kachins, 204, 237
- Karen rebellion, 24–25, 44, 55, 186, 197, 204, 212, 649–650, 652
- Kengtung, 8, 10, 44, 194, 206–209
- KNDO, 51, 201, 207
- Kuomintang troops in:
- Airstrip construction, 187–188
- Background, 10, 37, 43–44
- Battles with government forces, 58–59, 61, 92n, 153n, 158n, 159, 168–169, 203, 205–207
- Burmese position, 14–16, 41–42, 48, 51, 97–98, 135–140, 178
- Cease-fire, 109–110, 164, 178n, 179n, 182–185, 189, 193, 213–214
- China, Republic of, control and supply of, 3, 41–42, 50, 92–96, 117–119, 125, 147–148, 176–177
- Debts owed by, 185n, 191–192
- Evacuation, 2, 30–32, 43, 46–49, 127–129, 132–135, 179–182, 185–192, 208, 225–229
- Indian position, 21–24
- Joint Military Committee for the Evacuation of Foreign Forces from Burma, 104–105, 107–109, 112–114, 144–146, 156n, 165, 197, 214, 225n, 227, 229n
- Military situation, 41–42, 44, 53, 61–62
- Soviet position, 4, 8
- Surrender of arms and bases, 177, 182–183, 185–186, 188, 207–208
- Thai position, 172, 215–216, 219–220, 682–683
- Thai weaponry for, 2–3, 5, 8, 25
- U.N. resolution, 2, 83n, 85–86, 99–100, 165–166
- U.S. position, 5, 9–11, 43–49, 95–97, 151–152
- U.S.-Republic of China, negotiations, 56–58, 64–67, 69–73, 76–80, 82, 85–86, 101–102, 121–122, 140–141, 144–146, 153–160, 220–224
- Mawchi Mines, 186n, 652
- Minority peoples, 115, 204
- Mong Hsat, 15, 61, 92n, 93–94, 107–111, 114, 127–129, 131–134, 159, 168, 183, 188, 197–199, 202, 207
- Myawadi, 201–202, 207n, 210, 216, 220–221
- Myitkyina, 114, 184
- Neutrality, 12–13
- Political parties:
- Political situation, 54–55, 60
- Prisoners-of-war, 193–194
- Regional defense, 504, 505n
- Rice exports, 167–168, 233–234, 242–243
- Shan states, 8, 16, 28–29, 44, 132, 201, 204, 218, 237
- Tachilek, 128, 132, 164, 172, 194n, 202
- Thai peoples in, 689
- Thailand, relations with, 222–223, 659–661
- U.N. Peace Observation Commission, 3, 11
- United States, relations with, 25–28, 52, 87–88, 223
- U.S. economic assistance, 74–77, 80–81, 103–104, 137
- U.S. military assistance, proposed, 33–36, 100–101, 166–167, 194–196, 232–241
- U.S. policies toward, 204–205
- Byington, Homer M., Jr., 340
- Byroade, Henry A., 418n
- Cabahug, Sotero, 606, 616, 629
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 680–681, 684, 719
- Cambodia (see also Associated States), 484, 490, 668, 689, 716–717, 730
- Canada, 169
- Cannon, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 606–609, 611, 615–616, 629
- Carey, Archibald J., Jr., 169, 177n
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 719, 722–724
- Carroll, Brig. Gen. Paul T., 667, 680, 684
- Castelo, Oscar, 545–547
- Central Intelligence Agency, 39, 681
- Ceylon, 448, 453, 470n, 484
- Chase, Maj. Gen. William C., 2
- Chatichai Choonhaven, Col., 118
- Chen Chih-mai, 180, 183
- Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire Lee, 9
- Chiang Ching-kuo, Lt. Gen., 155n
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo:
- Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 71
- Chiefs of Mission Conference in Cairo, 1953, 143
- Chien Po-ying, 188
- China, People’s Republic of (see also China, People’s Republic of subheadings under other subjects):
- China, Republic of (see also China, Republic of subheadings under other subjects):
- CHINCOM, 440
- Chinese Expeditionary Forces, World War II, 197
- Chou Chih-jou, Lt. Gen., 56, 60n, 177n, 180
- Chou En-lai, 231, 604
- Civil Air Transport, Inc., 9n, 134
- Cochran, H. Merle:
- Indonesia:
- Economic Cooperation Agreement with the United States, 245–248, 259–261, 267, 328
- Mutual Security Agreement, negotiations, 266–289, 291–293
- New Guinea dispute, 251–253
- Political situation, 255–259, 262, 324–325, 332–338
- United States, relations with, 330–331, 356–360
- U.S. economic assistance, 296n, 297–301, 303–304, 310–311, 321, 325–326, 328, 343, 351–352
- U.S. military assistance, 310–313, 370–371
- Indonesia:
- COCOM, 440
- Coconut oil, 574
- Coerr, Wymberley C. 255n, 285, 328n, 356n
- Cole, Brig. Gen. John T., 1
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 2, 680
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy, 545
- Communism:
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Act for International Development, 1950, 295
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, 1954, 233n, 240, 242–243
- Bell Trade Act, 547, 611
- Economic Cooperation Act, 1948, 294–295
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act, 217
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, 83, 259, 265–266, 268, 359, 435, 437–441, 443–445, 447, 449, 451, 469–471
- Mutual Security Act of 1951:
- Indonesian political debate, 256–261
- Sec. 2511, 321, 325
- Sec. 511 (a), 248, 270–271, 275–276, 281–285, 287–291, 295, 298–299, 302–305, 307–310, 317–318, 336, 348, 377, 383
- Sec. 511 (b), 1n, 248n, 264, 270–271, 275, 281–285, 287–288, 290–291, 295, 298–299, 302–308, 310, 317–318, 322, 348, 377, 383
- Sec. 513, 300
- Mutual Security Act, 1952, 291, 306
- Mutual Security Act, 1954, 235, 239
- Philippine Independence Act, 1934, 592
- Philippine Rehabilitation Act, 562
- Philippine Trade Agreement Revision Act, 1955, 646n
- Public Law 45, 1951, 87n
- Public Law 402, 600
- Public Law 480, 233n, 240, 242–243
- Public Law 584, 600
- Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act, 1953, 370
- Trade Act, 1946, 592, 595
- Tydings-McDuffie Act, 570
- War Damages Act, 1946, 636
- Acts of:
- Cooper, John, 9
- Copra, 591
- Corse, Carl D., 642n
- Costa Rica, 477n
- Council on Foreign Relations, 704
- Cowen, Myron M., 509, 518, 556n
- Cruzen, Rear Adm. Richard H., 602–603
- Cuaderno, Miguel, 563, 639, 641
- Cuba, 477n
- Cuenco, M. Jesus, 560, 588
- Cuenco, Manuel, 530, 545n
- Cuenco, Miguel, 588
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr.:
- Curren, Col. William F., Jr., 68
- Cuthell, David C., 643–644
- Cutler, Robert:
- Cyprus, 478
- Darmasetiawan, 247, 284–287, 291, 297–300, 328, 330, 333
- Darmawan, 247, 257, 277n
- Davies, Col. Thomas H., 16, 20n
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 600, 703n, 725n, 736–737
- Day, Henry B., 1–5, 12–18, 20, 63n, 223, 558
- Decker, William M., 288
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 393–394, 416
- Dej Dejpradiyudh, Gen., 712n
- DeLany, Adm. William S., 393
- Delgado, Francisco, 529, 563, 588
- Direck Jayanama, 658
- Djody, 374
- Djogjakarta, 346
- Djuanda, Ir., 247, 256–258, 262, 265n, 313, 330, 451
- Donovan, William J.:
- Drumwright, Everett F., 204, 418–419, 422n, 558, 612–614, 622, 710–711, 728
- Dulles, Allen W., 384, 388–390, 403, 667–668, 680–681, 684, 717
- Dulles, John Foster, 511, 680, 720n
- Burma:
- Indochina, 432
- Indonesia, 350, 371–372, 384, 388, 392, 426–427, 482–484
- Philippines:
- Thailand, 664–665, 684, 685n, 704–706, 717
- U.N. Peace Observation Commission, 720n
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 403
- Duque, Gen. Calixto, 547, 549, 551, 557
- Dutch-Indonesian Union, 427
- Dutch New Guinea. See New Guinea dispute under Indonesia
- East Asia, Philippine relations with, 577–578, 591, 593
- East-West trade, restrictions on. See under Burma, Indonesia.
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 259–261, 286
- Ecuador, 477n
- Eddleman, Maj. Gen. Clyde D., 692
- Eden, Anthony, 712–713
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 40n, 50n, 51, 432
- El Salvador, 477n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 479n
- Elizalde, Joaquin M., 494, 496n, 497, 502–504, 506n, 518, 532–534, 554–556
- Ely, Richard, 518, 628n, 629
- Eng Ong Die, 373–374
- Erskine, Gen. G.B., 715
- Ewing, Richard T., 56
- Export-Import Bank:
- Far Eastern Commission, 497
- Fischer, Harvey, 290
- Flegal, Austin F., Jr., 673
- Flemming, Arthur S., 384–385, 388, 393, 403, 405–406, 410–411, 680, 684
- Ford Foundation, 309, 327, 346
- Foreign Operations Administration:
- Foster, William C., 38, 491, 505n, 506
- Foster-Quirino agreement, 582
- France, 5, 27, 172, 613–614
- France-Viet-Nam treaty, 606
- Fuen Ronapakat Ridhagni, Air Chief Marshal, 657
- Galbraith, Francis J., 280, 416–418, 463–464, 467n
- Gamboa, Melquiades J., 612–613
- Gani, Abdul, 428
- Garcia, Carlos, 565, 584, 604, 616, 618n, 621, 623n, 629, 631–635
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 609
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 467, 571
- General Motors, 468n
- General Services Administration, 378
- Gibson, William M., 511
- Gifford, Walter S., 5–6
- Gillmore, Gen. William N., 687, 692–695, 700–702, 707, 719, 721, 723–724, 726–727, 732, 734–735, 744
- Gleason, S. Everett, 384, 388, 403, 667, 680, 684, 719, 729n
- Godell, William H., 461, 715
- Goodwin, Rear Adm. Hugh H., 609, 616, 629
- Gordon, Lincoln, 290–291
- Grant, Hugh, 746
- Guerrero, 580n, 602–603, 616
- Hagberg, Eric, 297, 303
- Halaby, Najeeb E., 667n
- Hanifah, Abu, 246, 253, 434, 459
- Hanna, Willard A., 297–298
- Hanson, Haldore, 343, 346
- Hardie, Robert S., 492
- Hardie report, 492, 493n, 494n
- Harlow, Bryce, 384, 684
- Harrison, F.B., 501
- Hatta, Mohammad:
- Hawkins, Everett D., 260
- Hawkins, Richand H., Jr., 331–332
- Hayes, Samuel P., 258–261
- Hazarain, 486
- Health projects 699
- Heath, Donald R., 7–8, 18
- Hemp, 591
- Hensel, H. Struve, 460
- Henzada U Mya and Co., 83
- Hester, Thomas J., 518
- Hidayit, Col., 269
- Hkun Hkio, Sao, 1n, 4–5, 60n, 74–75, 81n, 85n, 112
- Ho Chi Minh, 662
- Hohenthal, Theodore J., 367n
- Hokkaido, 498
- Holland, Henry F., 418n
- Holt, Capt. Walter C., 516
- Hong Kong, 168, 649, 651
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 403, 476
- Huks. See under Philippines.
- Humphrey, George M.:
- I Fu-de, Col., 61, 101, 102n, 111, 113, 117n, 118n, 119, 122, 125, 129, 177n, 199–200, 227
- Idam, 256–257
- India:
- Indochina (see also
Associated States), 5,
402, 433–434, 689
- Agreements with the United States:
- Constabulary Agreement, 1950, 308–313, 315–317, 319–320, 324, 343n, 347, 352n
- Economic Cooperation Agreement, 245–248, 267, 281–283, 317, 319, 328, 339
- Economic and Technical Bilateral Agreement, 1950, 305, 380
- Mutual Defense Pact, 263
- Mutual Security Act, 1951, acceptance of, 248, 282–288, 291–293, 305, 336–337
- Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, 442, 466
- Agreements with the United States:
- Indonesia, 260, 376, 419, 442, 474
- Australian military assistance, 364
- Borneo border situation, 401–402
- China, People’s Republic of, trade agreement, 1954, 473
- Chinese in, 402
- Communism, 362, 368, 387, 396–399, 401–403, 421–422
- East-West trade, restrictions on, 259, 265–266, 268, 382, 435–452, 469–471, 473–474
- Economic Cooperation Administration, U.S. Embassy disagreements, 259–261
- Economic situation, 400, 419–421, 445–446
- English Language Institute, 332, 346
- Intelligence estimates, 361–363, 386, 465
- Japan, relations with, 467, 483
- Japanese Peace Treaty, 366, 375, 380–382
- Labor unions, 457, 488
- Madiun uprising, 1948, 368, 374, 421
- National Peace Congress, 411–412
- Netherlands, relations with, 331, 363–364, 368–369
- Netherlands Military Training Mission, 363–364, 383
- Neutrality of, 472n
- New Guinea dispute:
- North Sumatra, 366, 376
- Oil, nationalization of, 366, 375, 381
- Philippine military assistance, 423, 468
- Political graft, 428–429
- Political parties:
- Catholic, 366, 373
- Communist, 366–367, 373–375, 397, 401, 421, 425, 430, 483, 485–490
- Darul Islam, 375, 402, 421
- Greater Indonesian Union, 255, 257, 366, 368, 373, 486–487
- Labor, 373
- Masjumi, 257, 279, 325, 366–367, 373–376, 396–397, 402, 424–425, 428, 486–489
- Murba, 333, 337
- Nahladatul Ulama, 366, 368, 373, 375, 487
- National, 268, 279, 325, 332, 366–368, 373–376, 396–397, 425, 428–430, 485–490
- National People’s, 373
- Parindra, 255, 257, 366, 368, 373, 486–487
- Protestant, 373
- Socialist, 279, 337, 366–367, 373, 397
- United Islam, 373, 375
- Political situation, 256–262, 324–325, 332–339, 366–367, 373–376, 386–389
- Private foreign investment, 358–359, 380–381
- Regional defense arrangements, 504
- Rubber, 370, 378–379, 389–392, 394n, 472–473, 476–477, 480–481
- Siliwangi division, 430
- SOBSI, 457, 488
- South Moluccas insurgency, 418–419
- Soviet Union, relations with, 375, 467
- Squatters in, 483
- Tin, 379, 385, 390–392, 394n, 404–407, 410–411
- United States, press view of, 272, 281, 315
- United States, relations with the 281, 331, 340, 356–360, 411–413, 456–458, 482–484
- U.S. economic assistance, 327n, 452–455, 468–469
- U.S. military assistance:
- U.S. objectives and courses of action in, 371–372, 377–385, 395–400, 404–407, 442–443
- West Java, 376
- “World Peace Movement,” 373
- Indonesian Farmers’ Association, 374
- Information Media Guarantee Agreement, 469
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 585
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 232, 582, 713
- International Court of Justice, 254, 459
- International Rubber Study Group, 449n
- International Tin Agreement, 1953, 410–411
- International Volunteer Air Group, 715, 731
- Iraq, 143
- Irrigation, 498
- Iska, 333
- Islam, 375, 397, 401–402
- Ismael, 328
- Israel, 241n
- Iwa Kusumaumantri, 374, 415–416, 488
- J.G. White Engineers, 358
- Jackson, C.D., 403, 667, 670, 680
- Japan, 167n, 168, 453, 498, 577, 585, 593, 660
- Jogjakarta, 346
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 39n, 116n, 366–377, 511–513
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Jones, Howard P., 28, 66n, 109–110, 112–113, 145–146, 148, 153n, 158–159, 184, 445n, 447, 449–452
- Jones, John Wesley, 474–476
- Jusuf, A.B.M., 334
- Kangleon, Ruperto, 588
- Kasimo, 333
- Kasman Singodimedjo, 334
- Kawilarang, Col., 430
- Kem amendment, 87
- Kennan, George, 286
- Key, David McK., 1n, 80, 151n, 165–166, 338, 418n, 479n, 481, 482n
- Kharb Kunjara, Maj. Gen., 222, 700–702
- Kleffens, Eelco N. van, 478, 481–482
- Koo, V.K. Wellington, 50, 64–65, 71, 78–79, 122, 125, 152n, 154–155, 174
- Korea, 6, 27, 448, 453, 542, 547
- Kyaw Nyein:
- Kyin, U, 93–94
- Lacson, Arsenio, 529
- Lacson, Rafael, 531, 550, 560
- Lacy, William S.B., 255n, 277, 282, 285
- Landon, Kenneth P., 664–665, 671, 706–707, 714–717, 719–720, 727
- Langley, James, 635–641, 646n
- Lansdale, Col. Edward, 516, 520, 522, 527
- Laos (see also Associated States and Viet Minh invasion of Laos under United Nations), 383, 484, 490, 662, 663n, 664, 671, 689, 717, 730
- Lattin, Col. John H., 61, 73
- Laurel, José, 498, 509–510, 515, 518, 520, 524, 526, 529–530, 541, 546, 551, 557, 559, 561, 616, 635–641, 664n, 646n
- Laurel-Langley Agreement, 646n
- Lay, James S., Jr., 371, 395–396, 403, 539, 590–591, 623, 667, 680, 684, 729
- Lee, Brig. Gen., 629
- Leimena, Johannes, 271n
- Li Mi, Gen.:
- Li Tse-fen, Gen., 114–117, 118n, 122, 124, 215–216
- Li Wen-pin, 129, 134
- Liu Yuen-ling, Gen., 159, 181–182, 184
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 99, 477–479, 717, 720n
- Lo H’siang, 82
- Lopez, Fernando, 498, 516, 518, 588
- Loren, Allan, 745n
- Lovett, Robert A., 36
- Lu Kuo-ch’uan, Lt. Gen., 173n, 221n
- Luns, J.M.A.H., 340–341, 419–422
- Macapagal, Diodado, 588
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 384, 643–644, 684
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 402
- Magruder, Maj. Gen. Carter, 43n
- Magsaysay, Luz, 509
- Magsaysay, Ramon:
- Philippines:
- Economic situation, 592
- Foreign relations, 577–578, 593, 604–605, 613
- Political situation, 527–528, 582–583
- United States, relations with, 506n, 565–566, 578, 642, 645–646
- U.S. economic assistance, 573, 583–584, 639–642, 645
- U.S. military assistance, 609, 611–612
- U.S. military bases in, 510n, 627n, 643–644
- U.S.-Philippines Council, 616–618, 621–622, 632–633
- Philippines:
- Makatita, 257–258, 260
- Malaria, 498, 674
- Malaya, 7, 41, 168, 402, 450, 470n, 661
- Manganese, 391
- Maramis, Max, 277n, 280, 356n
- Marking, Col., 517, 550
- Marmora, 259–260
- Marshall, George C., 569
- Martin, Edwin M., 649–655
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 42n, 43n, 48–50, 116n, 254, 255n, 679–680
- McCardle, Carl W., 707
- McConaughy, Walter P., 19
- McGowan, Lt. Col. Glenn J., 16, 111
- McNutt, Paul V., 518
- McWilliams, William S.J., 19
- Melby mission, 264
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 485
- Menon, Krishna, 720
- Merchant, Livingston T., 418, 491–492
- Mexico, 169
- Military Air Transport Service, 460, 467, 483, 488
- Military Assistance Advisory Group:
- Moh Diah, 335
- Moh Yamin, 334–335
- Montinola, Aurelio, 563
- Morgan, George A., 688n
- Morgan, Gerald D., 384, 684
- Morocco, 338
- Morton, Thruston B., 457n, 538
- Mossadegh, Mohammad, 250
- Mukarto Notowidigdo:
- Indonesia:
- East-West trade, restrictions on, 435–437
- New Guinea dispute, 339, 463–464
- Political situation, 279, 291, 311, 325–326, 328, 332–333, 335, 338–339
- U.S. economic assistance, 297–299, 301–302, 311, 318–319, 323, 329–331, 339, 341–344, 350–354
- U.S. military assistance, 282, 284–288, 310–313, 319–324, 319, 354–356, 483
- Indonesia:
- Murphy, Irene, 517
- Murphy, Robert, 423n, 427, 464–465, 479n, 618, 710, 715–716, 719–720, 722–725
- Murray, Thomas E., 667
- Musa, 246–247
- Musso, 374
- Mustopo, Col., 333, 337
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts of.
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program:
- Mutual Security Agency, 492, 497, 499–501
- Myint Thien, U, 9, 135n, 165–166
- Napalm, 166n, 181, 628
- Narcotics, 14, 22, 29, 173
- Nash, Frank C., 370–371, 505n, 506n, 649n, 650
- Nasution, Col. A.H., 333, 350n
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special Estimates):
- National Security Council, 480, 575, 585, 667–670, 688n, 699, 736
- Actions:
- Documents:
- NSC 84/2, 539–540, 544, 575–576, 579, 590–591
- NSC 124 12, 265, 648
- NSC 124/2 24, 265, 371–383, 396, 648
- NSC 171, 393–394
- NSC 171/1, 394–395, 441–443, 466–469
- NSC 5405, 218, 235, 704, 729–731, 734, 743
- NSC 5413, 590–591, 596n
- NSC 5413/1, 590–601, 603, 623–627
- NSC 5417/2, 442n
- NSC 5417/3, 476, 477n, 480, 481n
- NSC 5422/2, 235, 238
- NSC 5429/2, 235
- Meetings:
- Nationalist Chinese troops. See Kuomintang troops in under Burma.
- Natsir, Mohammad, 257, 269–270, 366, 424
- Naw Seng, 42
- Ne Win, Gen.:
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 21, 230
- Neri, Felino, 617, 618n, 620, 621n, 629, 632–633
- Nestlerode, Lt. Col., 256–257, 290
- Netherlands (see also New Guinea dispute under Indonesia), 340–341, 365, 432–433
- Netherlands-Indonesian Union, 251–254, 279n, 369, 375, 458n, 466
- Neutralism, 12–13, 377, 472n
- New Zealand, 169, 504, 578, 721
- Nikijuluw, Karel J.V., 418–419
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 42n, 254, 702–703
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 432, 484
- Nu, U, 2, 25–28
- Offshore procurement, 630
- Ohly, John H., 649–650
- Oil, 366, 375, 381
- Olmsted, Maj. Gen. George H., 40, 290
- Ong Eng Die, 488
- Operation T’ien, 220n
- Operations Coordinating Board, 227, 460, 476, 480–481, 591, 623, 685–687, 706
- Opium trade. See Narcotics.
- Osias, Camilo, 529, 548
- Osmena, Sergio, 518, 530, 545
- Pakistan, 195, 270, 683
- Palar, L.N., 341
- Palmer, Colonel Raymond D., 104, 114, 177n, 216
- Panikkar, K.M., 21
- Pao Li, Gen., 184–185
- Parades, Quintin, 529
- Parelman, Samuel T., 294n, 343–344, 346
- Pargas, Captain, 607, 629
- Parity amendment, 587
- Parsons, Howard L., 215–216, 219–220, 697–702, 717, 737
- Pau-Lin, Gen., 109
- Pe Khin, 145, 201–203, 210
- Pelaez, Emmanuel, 530, 629
- Peralta, Macario, 519–520, 549
- Perez, Eugenio, 529, 534, 550
- Peron, Juan, 516n
- Phao Sriyanon, Lt. Gen., 22, 651–652, 656–657, 738–740, 744–747
- Phibun Songkhram. See Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal P.
- Philippines (see also Philippine
subheadings under other subjects):
- Agreements with the United States:
- Double taxation agreement, 595
- Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation treaty, 595
- Military Bases Agreement, 543, 569–570, 601
- Mutual Defense Treaty, 1951, 494–496, 502–504, 542, 553, 570, 576n, 592–593, 604–605, 609–610, 612–614, 622–624, 629n
- Quirino-Foster Agreement, 1951, 492, 544
- Trade Agreement, 1946, 533n, 538, 545, 562–564, 566–568, 592, 624, 635–642, 645–646
- Ambuklao, 582
- American Chamber of Commerce, 563–564
- ANZUS Treaty, 494–497, 502–505
- “Asia for Asians” slogan, 580–581, 602, 604
- Batangas Revolt, 524, 546
- Catholic Church, 513–514, 559–560
- Chinese Communists, 525–526
- Clark Field press incident, 584
- Collective defense, 612–614
- Communism, 518, 530, 589–590
- Economic situation, 540, 543–544, 592
- Far Eastern University, 584
- Five-Power talks, 723
- Hukbong Mapagpalayang Bayan, 592
- Huks, 491–492, 526, 530, 539–540, 542, 546n, 547, 589–590
- Hunters ROTC, 551
- Industrial development, 511–512
- Industrial Textiles Manufacturing Company, Inc., 500
- Inter-Agency Committee on Land Reform, 492–493
- Japan:
- Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, 541–542, 605, 615, 628
- Junior Chamber of Commerce, 559–560
- Korea, troops in, 542, 547
- Land Tenure Reform, 492–493, 497–502, 560
- League of Women Voters, 541
- Lion’s Club, 560
- Manufacturing in the, 499–500
- Mindinao, 498, 543–544
- Mindoro, 498
- National Bank of the, 550
- National Movement for Free Elections, 541
- National Peasant’s Union, 589
- 1934 devaluation claim, 646n
- Political parties:
- Political situation, 582–583
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 512
- Rural development, 576
- United States, educational exchange with, 594, 600
- United States, relations with, 566–568, 605–606
- U.S. economic assistance, 453, 539, 543, 579, 597–599
- U.S. Information Service, 597–600
- U.S. military assistance:
- U.S. military bases in, 543, 552–553
- U.S. objectives and courses of action toward, 575–579, 593–596
- U.S. pension claims, 553–554
- U.S.-Philippines Defense Council, 615–618, 620–624, 626, 628–635
- U.S. policies toward, 590–600, 624–627
- Veterans’ Legion, 560
- War damage claims, 646n
- Agreements with the United States:
- Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal P., 8, 22, 222, 647, 650–651, 656–659, 717, 721, 738, 740, 745–747
- Pierson, Maj. Gen. Albert, 506n, 546–547
- Point Four Program. See Technical Cooperation Administration.
- Political asylum, 514
- Pote Sarasin, 664–665, 682, 706–708, 713–714, 721, 727–728, 732
- Prangphet Bunjarataphan, Maj., 655–656
- Prawoto Mangkusasmito, 279n
- Pridi Phanomyong, 648n, 687
- Primicias, Cipriano P., 588
- Pringgo Digdo, 279, 332–335, 424–431
- Psychological Strategy Board, 682, 684–685
- Puyat, Gil, 509, 529, 557, 563, 588, 639, 641
- Quezon, Manuel, 532
- Quirino, Antonio, 514, 550, 551
- Quirino, Elpidio:
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W.:
- Radius, Walter A., 418
- Railways, 675
- Randall, Clarence B., 545n
- Randall Commission, 545
- Rankin, Karl Lott:
- Rasjid, 297, 328
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 379, 410
- Recto, Claro M., 498, 509–510, 515, 526, 529–530, 551, 559, 561, 580n, 587, 602–604, 615–617, 644
- Renne, Roland R., 497n, 501
- Rhee, Syngman, 137, 577–578
- Rice, 167–168, 233–234, 242–243, 340, 544, 730, 738
- Rice, Edward E., 518
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 718, 725
- Rinden, Robert W., 53
- Rivenburgh, Dexter V., 242–243
- Robertson, Walter S.:
- Rockefeller Foundation, 309, 327
- Rodriguez, Eulogio, 507, 559, 561, 588
- Roem, Mohammad, 257, 269, 279n, 280, 366
- Roijen, J.H. van, 369, 474–476
- Romualdez, Daniel, 563
- Romulo, Carlos P., 492n, 612–613, 643–644
- Ronapakat Riddhagni, Air Chief Marshal Fuen, 722
- Roxas, Manuel, 518, 587
- Roy, Jose, 563
- Rubber (see also under Indonesia), 83, 84n, 233, 378, 389–392, 394n, 435–452, 469–471, 473–474
- Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission, 480
- Rubber Study Group Meeting, 1953, 374, 378
- Rusk, Dean, 494, 518
- Sadjarwo, 374, 378
- Salaheddin, 250
- Salan, Gen. Raoul, 7
- Sarasin. See Pote Sarasin.
- Sarawak, 402n
- Sarit Thanarat, Gen., 22, 648, 723n, 725–728, 732–734, 744–747
- Schistosomiasis, 498
- Scott, Joseph W., 254n, 255n
- Sebald, William J.:
- Burma:
- China, People’s Republic of, threat of, 229–232
- Chinese civilian internees in, 129n
- East-West trade, restrictions on, 83
- Kuomintang troops in, 29–33, 37, 84n, 157–160, 188n, 202, 205–206, 213, 220–222
- United States, relations with, 25–28, 74–77, 80–81, 87–88
- U.S. military assistance, 34–35, 40–41, 68, 100–101, 112, 122–124, 130–131, 149–151, 166–167, 180–181, 194–196, 216–218
- U.S. policies toward, 204–205
- China, Republic of, U.S. support, 230
- Philippines, 505–506, 628, 635
- Burma:
- Sessums, Maj. Gen. John W., 602, 616
- Sewaka, 256, 262, 264
- Shao Yu-lin, Dr., 127–128
- Sheldon, Huntington, 388
- Sidik Djojosukarto, 335n, 351
- Sihanouk, Norodom, 231, 668
- Simatupang, Col. T.B., 333–334
- Simbolon, Col., 430
- Sjahrir, Soetan, 257, 335
- Smedberg, Rear Adm. William R., III, 619n
- Smith, H. Alexander, 538n, 628
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 63n, 64n, 605n, 709n
- Soliongco, I.P., 586–587
- Songkhram, Phibun. See Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal P.
- Sophian, 333
- Soriano, Col., 499–500
- “South Moluccas, Republic of,” 418–419
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 231
- Conference, 1954, 632n
- Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, 27
- Soviet Union, 655–657
- Special Estimates:
- Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 513
- Spruance, Raymond A.:
- Srisdi Dhamarajata. See Sarit Thanarat, Gen.
- Staats, Elmer B., 623, 729–731, 743n
- Stanton, Edwin F.:
- Stanvac, 468n
- Stassen, Harold E., 384–385, 388, 391–393, 667, 680, 684, 740, 745
- Steeves, John M., 469–474
- STEM, 492–493
- Stevenson, Adlai E. 82, 100–101
- Storrs, Rear Adm. Aaron P., III, 609
- Strategic Air Command units, 718
- Strauss, Lewis L., 667
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 609, 611, 629, 631
- Subardjo, Achmad, 245–247, 251–253, 255–259, 261–262, 264–272, 275–277, 285, 309n, 313, 377, 380
- Sudjono, 328
- Sugar, 544, 574, 591
- Sugeng, Col. Bambang, 350
- Sukanto, Tjokrodiatmodjo, 269
- Sukarno:
- Sukiman Wirjosandjojo, 246, 257, 267, 270–272, 275, 309n, 313, 334–335, 366
- Sultan of Jogjakarta, 257, 279n, 280, 325, 334, 337, 366, 376
- Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, 260, 279n, 280, 286, 351
- Sunario, 374, 401–403, 416, 424, 428, 432, 457, 463n, 471–472, 487, 489–490
- Supeno, 333
- Suphat Sukhonthaphirom, 655
- Supomo, 251, 253, 330
- Suydam, Henry, 629
- Symington, W. Stuart, 405
- Syria, 477n
- Tadjuddin Noor, 335
- Tambunan, 334–335
- Tanda, Lorenzo, 509–510, 515, 529, 559, 588
- Taruc, Luis, 547, 590n
- Technical Cooperation Administration, 74–77, 80–81, 291–307, 309–311, 317–319, 321–322
- Thach, Rear Adm. J.H., Jr., 601
- Thailand, 231
- Chiengmai, 22, 114, 132, 134, 184
- Chinese in, 666
- Chulalongkorn University, 698
- Communism in, 648, 655–658, 700
- Communist threat to, 456, 704–705
- Five-Power talks, 721, 723
- Internal security situation, 676–677
- Japan, relations with, 660
- Joint Military Mission report, 692–697
- Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, 692, 697, 732
- Military situation, 665–666, 692, 707
- Northeast, 673–675, 702–703
- Phachoengsao, 675
- Philippines, relations with, 683
- Political situation, 741–743
- Regional defense, 504, 505n, 706–708, 716, 721
- Tac Lee, 654
- United States, press view of, 647
- United States, relations with, 679–680, 682–683, 720–721
- U.S. economic assistance, 453, 673, 678, 699, 737–738
- U.S. military assistance, 658, 665–667, 669, 701–702, 707–708, 713–717, 722–735, 737–740
- U.S. miltary bases in, 717–720, 722–723, 732, 736–737
- U.S. policies toward, 658–661, 677–679, 686–691, 697–698, 709–712, 721–723, 732, 736
- Viet Minh threat, 664–665
- Vietnamese refugees in, 665–666, 700
- Volunteer Defense Corps, 744–745
- Thajeb, Ismail M., 277n
- Thakin Nu. See Nu, U.
- Thorp, Willard L., 497n
- Tin, 233, 379, 390–392, 394n
- Ting Tso-shao, 32
- Tobacco, 574
- Tomlinson, F.S., 360
- Trade controls on strategic materials, 389–393, 394n
- Trager, Frank, 81
- Trimble, William, 249n
- Truman, Harry S., 491, 492n, 569
- Tsiang, Tingfu F., 122, 170, 177
- Tun Shein, U., 6n, 25, 193–194, 207n, 213
- Tunisia, 331, 338
- Tuttle, Elbert P., 384, 684
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 718–720, 722–723
- Tyson, Leonard S., 635, 636n, 640
- Ulo, Ben, 550
- Union Court of Arbitration, 254
- United action. See Regional defense under Thailand.
- United Kingdom:
- United Nations:
- Burma:
- Charter, 477–478, 671
- China, People’s Republic of, embargo against, 382, 435–441, 448, 451, 470, 473
- Chinese representation in, 106, 121, 478
- Economic and Social Council of (ECOSOC), 683
- General Assembly, 9th session, 459
- General Assembly resolutions:
- New Guinea dispute in, 426n, 458–459, 461–464, 475n, 477–479, 481–482
- Peace Observation Commission, 3, 11, 231n, 671, 720n
- Thailand, role in, 653, 655, 659
- Trusteeship Council, 683
- Viet Minh invasion of Laos, 665, 671–672, 682, 716–717
- U.S. Information Agency, 595, 599, 624
- U.S. Information Service, 379, 599–600, 660, 697, 700
- U.S.-Philippine Defense Council. See under Philippines.
- U.S. Seventh Fleet, mission change, 50–51
- U.S.-Spanish Bases Agreement 1953, 602–603
- Vagnozzi, Egidio, 513
- Van Fleet, Gen. James A., 668–669
- Vargas, Lt. Gen. Jesus, 549, 557, 606, 608, 616, 617n, 618–621, 629–633, 723
- Vatican, 513n
- Verano, Felisberto, 548
- Vichit, Gen. Jira, 732
- Viet Minh, 7, 662, 664, 665, 666, 668, 671, 676–677, 682, 716–717
- Vietnam (see also Associated States), 6, 624, 689, 730
- Virata, Leo, 561
- Voice of America, 600
- Vyshinsky, Andrei Y., 4, 6
- Wadsworth, James J., 478
- Wainhouse, D.W., 481–482
- Wallinger, Geoffrey Arnold, 648n
- Wan Waithayakon Krommun Naradhip Bongsprabandh, Prince, 215–216, 219, 458, 682, 713
- Wanamaker, Temple, 513, 517–519, 531n, 537–538
- Wang Shih-chieh, 56, 198, 206
- Ward, Air Commodore E.L.S., 26, 130–131
- Waugh, Samuel C., 480–481
- Webb, James E., 265–266, 278, 419
- Wen-pin, Gen. Li, 118–119
- West Irian. See New Guinea dispute under Indonesia.
- West New Guinea. See New Guinea dispute under Indonesia.
- Wibisono, Jusuf, 271n, 285, 309n, 313, 335
- Wilopo, 268, 279, 313, 325, 327n, 328–329, 332, 334, 338, 366, 377
- Wilson, Charles E.:
- Wood, Gen. Leonard, 532
- Worakan Bancha, 648
- World Court. See International Court of Justice.
- Wu, K.C., 72
- Yabut, 552
- Yamin, 374
- Yeh, George K.C.:
- Young, Kenneth T., 635
- Yugoslavia, 195, 477n
- Yulo, José, 548, 550
- Zain, Zairin, 247, 297–300, 302–304, 321
- Zulueta, José, 529, 548