690B.9321/9–1653: Telegram
No. 99
The Acting Secretary
of State to the Embassy in
193. Bangkok’s 524.2 While Department sympathizes with GUB impatience and irritation at what it considers continued Chinese stalling and while Department realizes public opinion pressure on [Page 141] GUB, Department considers GUB proposal Sept. 16 wholly unrealistic. It is not within power Bangkok Committee or of Chinese Government or of GUB to secure “complete evacuation foreign forces” nor does fixing of deadline date Sept. 23 for acceptance Burmese proposals appear indicate understanding of situation or appreciation efforts made by US and Thai Governments. Dept. therefore pleased note Burmese representative agreed restudy proposal. Embassy Rangoon should make clear to Burmese Govt. maintenance proposal in present form would justify US Govt. in abandoning efforts to be of assistance this matter.
Department also strongly of opinion that it imperative Chinese Govt. make final proposal soonest which US and Thai Governments could support. Minimum features of such proposal would be following:
- 1.
- Promise evacuate all disciplined troops, at least 3,000 right away to be followed by more if possible (there might also be declaration that all members regular Chinese units neglecting orders to evacuate would be henceforth considered by Chinese Govt. as deserters).
- 2.
- Statement by Chinese Government washing hands of remainder of alleged KMT troops are unconnected Chinese forces.
- 3.
- Specify early date for reoccupation by Burmese of bases specified in plan.
Department desires Amb. Rankin take this up with Chinese at highest level and hopes Ambassador may be able communicate direct with Chiang on matter to which Department attaches highest importance.