No. 73
Editorial Note

The Joint Military Committee for the Evacuation of Foreign Forces from Burma, consisting of representatives of Burma, the Republic of China, Thailand, and the United States, held its first meeting in Bangkok on May 22. Colonel Raymond D. Palmer, United States Army Attaché at Bangkok and the United States representative on the Joint Committee, was named chairman. Until June 16, the United States and Thai representatives met alternately with the Burmese and Chinese representatives; the full Committee also met for the first time on that date. The Burmese representatives withdrew from the Committee on September 17; thereafter, the Committee continued to function with Chinese, [Page 105] Thai, and United States representatives until it was formally dissolved on September 1, 1954. The reports from the Embassy in Bangkok concerning the Committee meetings and related developments and an incomplete file of the Committee minutes are in file 690B.9321. For text of the Committee’s final report to the United Nations, see U.N. document A/2740.