690B.9321/3–1953: Telegram
No. 52
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State
1792. Mytel 1772, March 17. Had lengthy interview with Prime Minister this morning during which I reviewed for him developments leading up to delivery Foreign Minister’s letter to me. I especially pointed out my perplexity at linking KMT problem with TCA aid program and difficulties which reasoning of GUB would cause among American Government and people. I asked Prime Minister frankly tell me whether GUB in fact desires continue TCA program or whether for reasons unknown to me KMT problem was being used as pretext terminate aid program.
[Page 77]Prime Minister said decision embodied in Foreign Minister’s letter was arrived at with utmost reluctance by himself and members his Cabinet. He said almost without exception Cabinet desires continuance TCA program faced as they are with realization Burma must have technical assistance and that America is only country having capability supplying this aid.
On other hand serious crisis had arisen among important supporters AFPFL Government who in effect were accusing Prime Minister and colleagues accepting “hush money” in guise of United States aid, an accusation to which credence was lent by failure over past two years GUB settle KMT problem and apparent lethargy and satisfaction allow KMT troops remain on Burmese territory. This movement among responsible supporters aided and abetted by vocal opposition assumed such serious proportions that Government felt drastic measures must be taken remove all pretexts for charges. This in essence was reason why KMT problem was linked with aid program. He felt action was taken to save the Government and country as he felt with an apologetic aside, that only AFPFL Government is capable constructively governing Burma under present conditions.
After above explanation Prime Minister said “I give you my word of honor when KMT matter is settled you will see that we will be anxious resume aid program and gladly and gratefully accept as little or as much as your Government will offer us providing you are still interested in pursuing your aid program.” Prime Minister emphasized that short of sending troops to Korea he and his Government were doing everything possible to fight communism. Reiterated Burma wants and needs TCA and technicians and emphasized his great admiration for America and its people.
Comment: I am convinced bona fides Prime Minister’s comments summarized above. KMT problem has assumed such politically dangerous proportions among rank and file AFPFL party members that Government apparently forced undertake drastic action rid themselves any connotation of tacit understanding with United States regarding presence KMT troops Burmese soil. As indicated my telegram 1783, March 181 sine qua non for friendly relations between United States and Burma is speedy solution KMT problem.
- See footnote 1, supra.↩