790B.5/3–1053: Telegram

No. 45
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State1


1726. ARMATT2 today sent GEL number 114 to Defense3 re informal approach by Burmese War Office for procurement arms, matériel and equipment in US as reimbursable aid. In view British attitude as expressed London’s 2687, November 84 to Department believe matter must be discussed with British before action taken. However, Burmese War Office has specifically requested British not be informed until list in final form. This desire apparently predicated on belief GUB that British would in initial stages again cause undue delays by procrastination and vague promises. We also sense GUB desire disentangle itself from sole dependence upon British for arms procurement, War Office belief that official delivery completed list would present British with fait accompli, and genuine desire General Ne Win and others draw closer to US. We believe Defense Minister and Ne Win are convinced US will help in this instance, and that failure procure what is desired on reimbursable basis would have serious deleterious effect upon growing friendship with US to complete exclusion Soviet bloc. We therefore hope problem of British can be successfully bridged and Burmese request filled. (See also mytel 658, October 22)

In order keep record straight, however, and subject Department’s approval, we propose tell British Rangoon on most confidential basis that GUB has requested assistance in preparing list urgently needed items for procurement US, that it may be necessary bring officer Burma assist in formulation such list, but that no final action will be taken on completed list until discussed with British.

  1. Repeated to London by the Department.
  2. Col. William F. Curren, Jr.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Telegram 2687 transmitted the British view that wherever the United Kingdom could supply the Burmese armed forces with matériel and training, it should, in the interest of standardization and efficiency, continue to do so and that any Burmese request to the United States along those lines should be discussed with the United Kingdom before action was taken. (790B.5811/11–852)