792.5 MSP/12–753: Telegram

No. 405
The Chargé in Thailand (Parsons) to the Department of State



Part I of IV.

Ambassador Donovan left December 4 for Tokyo en route Washington where expects arrive mid-December. He carrying joint Embassy, STEM, USIS, MAAG analysis current Thai situation and recommendations additional US action required implement NSC policy Thailand.1 Summary being sent four separate messages.2 This message includes summary appraisal military, economic and political-psychological situation Thailand today. This appraisal outgrowth three months intensive study by Ambassador and staffs four missions here.

Military: Capability Thai armed forces maintain internal security barely adequate. Capabilities increasing slowly but existing threat further Commie infiltration and ever present possibility invasion make more rapid development strengthen these forces mandatory.

Thai anti-Commie program and “will to resist” depend upon ability of armed forces defend Thailand successfully and American willingness support. Task more difficult US since Thai Government needs be alert possible overthrow Government from within; however, appears improbable at present. Doubtful any new Government unless supported by outside force change basic attitude toward US. But any Thai Government might be forced negotiate with enemy unless US advice and influence available.

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Past investment coupled psychological advantage present time provides propitious timing assertion US interests. Accomplishment Thailand determine US position SEA. In even failure appears nothing prevent Communism taking over entire area.

Economic: Continuing deficits balance payments and budget causing loss foreign exchange indicate inability Thailand continue present level military preparedness more than two to three years.

When economy easier could convince Thailand our interest their welfare with relatively small aid programs. Now with rough economic road ahead and increased potency Commie expansionist activity threatening Thailand through infiltration and creation political unrest bordering countries Thai seek more concrete deeds US.

Must choose between (1) maintaining present level support in knowledge certainty deterioration Thai effectiveness as ally or (2) anticipate critical situation and supplement present efforts soonest.

Political-Psychological: Must strengthen “will and ability of Thai people resist Commie aggression”, either overt or covert. Although cannot preclude possibility military attack, covert activities greater danger at present.

Thai autonomous state posed [poised?] for appeal Thai within and outside country, Shans report active Commie agents village Burma. Agents in numbers found operating North and Northeast Thailand. French report several thousand agents left in Laos after withdrawal Viet Minh last spring.

Discovery Commie articles written Chulalongkorn University and Commies among Buddhist priests have awakened Government need more rigorous and organized efforts expose and halt infiltration.

Following action recommended by US Ambassador and adopted by Thai Cabinet: Establish board under chairmanship Prime Minister develop political-psychological program carried out by Thai with liaison US Ambassador and selected members US missions in Thailand. Program designed disclose aims and techniques of Communism through press, church, universities, youth groups, radio, military indoctrination and cultural groups and provide most intelligent basis fight aggression.

  1. The report carried by Donovan has not been found in Department of State files.
  2. For the other three parts of the summary, see infra and Documents 407 and 409.