396.1 MA/8–2654: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1
795. Department received through Vietnamese Ambassador2 here as well as from Saigon’s 7493 indication Vietnamese Government’s desire to send observers to SEA Pact Conference Manila. In reply Department has taken following position with Ambassador:
- (a)
- Question obviously one for decision by all members of conference and not by US alone.
- (b)
- Department however believes presence Vietnamese (and also Cambodian and Laotian) observers Manila Conference on informal basis would be most useful as evidencing interest those governments in pact and in measures for defense free SEA.
- (c)
- Department suggested to Vietnamese Ambassador here his government immediately approach other pact participants if this has not already been done (UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan) indicating Vietnamese Government’s desire send informal observers Manila giving as reason interest his Government in having protection proposed pact extended to free Vietnam.
- (d)
- Department view is these observers would not participate in any conference sessions. They would however be available to conference on informal basis to express views and possibly agreement of their governments with respect proposed article of treaty which would extend protection of pact to Cambodia, Laos and free Vietnam which will not be signatories.
- (e)
- Department stressing to Vietnamese Ambassador importance Vietnamese in their approach to other conference members make clear scope and status observers as summarized this message in [Page 804] order prompt agreement may be reached. Request Embassy Saigon confirm position to Vietnamese authorities and report action. Ambassador tells us he informing his Cambodian and Laotian colleagues of his démarche in Department and Department views.
- (f)
- Department informed Ambassador it would be Department’s hope that at working group conference members meeting in Manila Sept first, decision on request for informal observer status for free Vietnam (Laos and Cambodia if they request it) could be reached promptly and reply be made to govts.
For action Chargé Phnom Penh and Vientiane: Approach Foreign Ministers giving them gist above and telling them that if they wish, perhaps through their representatives in Washington, make similar approaches other conference members rapid action is essential. You should stress informal status observers and report action. End action Phnom Penh and Vientiane. FYI Department believes useful that Laos and Cambodia have observers but wishes decision to approach conference members to reflect their initiative. End FYI.
Department believes presence these observers would be of great value in underlining solidarity free Indochina countries with purposes of collective self-defense embodied in proposed treaty with which those countries are not currently formally associated but which should in Department’s judgment afford them protection.
Other than action addressees may give information and views conveyed to Vietnamese Ambassador in reply inquiries regarding US attitude from governments to which accredited.