Editorial Note
In a memorandum to the Secretary of State on May 9, George W. Perkins, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, stated in part that in a letter of May 5 from William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Department of Defense had confirmed “the understanding arrived at between State and Defense at a meeting between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Ambassador Cowen on April 23 concerning the implementation of the Security Treaty with Australia and New Zealand. As you know, we have been gratified by the responsiveness of the Chiefs in this difficult situation and we hope that what we propose will be found acceptable by Australia and New Zealand.” (Conference files, lot 59 D 95, CF 115; Foster’s letter is in JCS records, CCS 381 (2–18–51))
On May 13, Ambassador Cowen presented to Ambassador Munro and to Colin Moodie, Counselor of the Embassy of Australia, identical notes signed by the Secretary. The section on military representation follows:
“The Government of the United States suggests that in support of the Pacific Council military representatives be accredited to the [Page 87] Council to meet periodically as required at Pearl Harbor or to rotate between Pearl Harbor, Australia and New Zealand, if that seems preferable. The Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, or an alternate designated by him, would be the American representative. In addition, in order to assure proper liaison, one or two Australian and New Zealand officers of field grade rank might be accredited to Pearl Harbor in a liaison capacity on a regular or an intermittent basis as developments may indicate.
“The United States suggests that meetings of the Pacific Council might be held alternately in the capitals of the three countries. The views of the Australian Government on this suggestion and on the time and place for the initial meeting of the Council would be Welcomed.” (Lot 59 D 95, CF 115)
In his memorandum of May 9, Perkins had also urged the Secretary to attend “at least” the opening session of the Pacific Council. “We have no wish to add to your existing burdens, but we feel bound to recall to you that the Treaty states that the Council consists of ‘the Foreign Ministers or their Deputies’. Moreover, we believe you will agree that we owe it to our Australian and New Zealand friends to get this enterprise off to the best possible start.”