033.46E00/11–1254: Telegram

The Chargé in Ceylon (Espy) to the Department of State


159. Objectives round-world tour Prime Minister Ceylon reduced two categories: First, US–Ceylonese relations; second, Ceylon’s position world affairs, primarily south and south-east Asia. At departure November 10 Prime Minister stated purpose world tour was “good will” and was “going abroad with open mind” and “did not intend enter into secret discussions or parlays”. Previously Prime Minister stated before Parliament (Embdes 270)1 he was “able go US with open mind and clear conscience. Ceylon is not recipient American aid and I do not therefore have to go America either with hat in hand or with accounts to square”.

He added would be no agenda for talks but expected engage informal discussion variety subjects. He made known however he will not enter into definite commitments.

Press comment here has ranged from coolness to trip to blessings for success his good will mission. Continued opposition recorded any thought Ceylon becoming member of SEATO, primarily on principle of not joining power bloc. Criticism his making trip at all based on need his attention to urgent domestic problems: food, finance, racial [Page 1625] religious tensions, economic development planning. Practically all press played on theme real purpose Prime Minister’s visit US is obtain aid “under Colombo Plan without strings” despite prohibition Battle Act. Several articles have appeared stating without attribution Ambassador Crowe convinced Ceylon deserves US aid.

With regard second category should be noted Prime Minister’s visits London, Washington, Tokyo, Manila, Djakarta are precursor to series international conferences namely Colombo powers Djakarta end December, Commonwealth London end January, Afro-Asian possibly February. Information and impressions Sir John will receive may well influence position Ceylon these meetings including particularly Manila pact, relations Communist China, colonialism, economic cooperation.

Attention invited following problems consideration Department and also possible consultation London, Tokyo, Manila:

US economic aid Ceylon. Can prohibition Battle Act be overcome and aid granted? If so, should it be entirely direct US–Ceylon bilateral arrangement or within Colombo Plan scheme or under Manila pact? Embassy submitting despatch next pouch this problem.
SEATO. How far press Ceylon join Manila pact. Ambassador Crowe made personal study this question and will have views present Department. Economic features pact as already reported by far most interesting to Ceylon. Embassy also believes essential far stronger support than heretofore for inducing Ceylon join Manila pact required Commonwealth countries. Thought occurs to Embassy whether Nehru following visit Peking would refrain openly oppose if not openly give his blessing Ceylon join pact as in a sense sheet to windward defense India despite fact India not member.
Relations Communist China. Press here early this month published Nehru’s statement Rangoon that Communist China would like participate Afro-Asian conference. Embassy informed by Foreign Office felt Pakistan could be relied upon Colombo powers meeting Djakarta prevent invitation Communist China. Apparently continued heavy burden being placed on Pakistan prevent Nehru neutralism and coexistence pet themes to prevail. Embassy warned Foreign Office danger idea including Communist China snowballing but recommends British also use influence. Foreign Office further insisted that press reports to contrary, countries to be invited Afro-Asian conference must be decided upon by all Colombo powers at meeting. Special note taken fact Israel not included original Indonesia proposed tentative list.

Visit Prime Minister to Japan and Philippines may have considerable significance through opportunity appreciate Far Eastern non–Communist opinion. As reported Embtel 21,2 November 5 Prime Minister stressed desire increase relations between Ceylon and Philippines. This could be forerunner establishment diplomatic relations two countries [Page 1626] which Embassy feels could be very helpful as liaison two areas Asia. Question Ceylon’s relations Thailand might be raised in Department’s talks with Prime Minister.

  1. Despatch 270 from Colombo, Nov. 6, 1954, transmitted the text of Prime Minister Kotelawala’s speech in the Ceylonese Parliament on his pending visit to the United States and other countries (746E.13/11–654).
  2. This appears to be an error. Telegram 153 from Colombo, Nov. 5, 1954, discussed Kotelawala’s plans for a visit to the Philippines (033.46E9B/11–554). There was no telegram 21 dispatched on this date.