690D.91/3–1554: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Hildreth) to the Department of State

top secret

733. Eyes only Secretary. Re Deptel 762.1 Private conference Prime Minister yesterday wedged between kingly appointments. Contents reference telegram delivered. Spirit in which suggestions made fully appreciated. Conference disclosed following:

With Cabinet approval already decided not take Kashmir issue SC at present and determined go “all out” meet Nehru’s expressed desire for plebiscite administrator from neutral country.
Nehru written within last ten days no need consider plebiscite administrator until preliminary issues cleared of which principal issue demilitarization and threatened GOI required more force in Kashmir than he had previously agreed because US military aid.
Nehru letter extracted from context statement Mohammad Ali in US News World Report interview quoted Ali as saying military aid would help settle Kashmir question. Prime Minister replying within few days protesting extraction quoted statement and pointing out in interview US News World Report Ali had repeatedly emphasized resort to arms on Kashmir would be suicidal both countries and especially GOP and had constantly reiterated Kashmir solution must be peaceful.
Prime Minister favorably impressed suggestions reference telegram and expects follow them in reply Nehru letter mentioned above. Prime Minister certain, however, he will not make suggestions public [Page 1347] at time transmittal suggestions in private letter to Nehru for fear he would only further irritate Nehru and injure his cause by letting Nehru believe Prime Minister playing more to gallery than to peaceful solution issue. Subsequently may make public fact he had previously made suggestions in reference telegram but only after Nehru had opportunity consider proposals in private. Prime Minister may include Australia in suggested countries.
Re paragraph 2 reference telegram Prime Minister away so much been impossible catch him but to supply Department full knowledge his correspondence re Nehru Prime Minister voluntarily offered supply copies complete AliNehru correspondence re Kashmir provided Department wanted same on condition only top Department officials have access same or made aware delivery US. I countered with suggestion to relieve Department embarrassment asking for same and protect utmost secrecy that he give me sealed package of correspondence for delivery Saturday pouch marked “Eyes Only Secretary”. Correspondence will be pouched Saturday.
Prime Minister wanted give military aid team reception on arrival but I said I was purposely being absent Karachi time arrival to minimize attention and in view delicate feelings in area we were doing everything possible minimize publicity concerning team which Embassy thought sound policy and wondered if he would not want postpone his reception for team until its return to Karachi from its trips through northern area. Prime Minister agreed that wiser. Begum Liaquat also anxious give reception on arrival but I shall take same line with her.
Prime Minister said he and Cabinet fully determined build best possible record evidencing cooperation prior taking Kashmir issue SC even to extent refusal gain world public good will at risk irritating Nehru. Prime Minister agreed fully protects secrecy suggestions reference telegram.
Down-to-earth talks Iraqi guests deliberately withheld by agreement with guests until Nuri Pasha goes to India and talks with Nehru and returns here to rejoin royal party about March 21. Prime Minister felt by showing willingness not press issue joining Turk-Pakistan agreement until after exposure to Nehru showed Pakistan confidence and would favorably impress guests. Feels optimistic.

  1. Dated Mar. 11, p. 1343.