690D.91/7–552: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in India1
42. For: the Ambassador re Kashmir. We presume you will want to keep in mind, in talking to Nehru, Dept’s tel to USUN re our suggestion to Graham that, after he has been informed that you have presented GOP proposals to Nehru, he then informally say to Pak and Ind reps in NY that, having learned certain informal discussions on Kashmir had been initiated in subcontinent, he wishes to suspend negots in NY until outcome of discussions in subcontinent known. Assuming Graham agrees, we hope this will enable you to bring pressure to bear on Nehru to make specific reply to Pak proposals, since Graham wld in fact not be continuing negots of his own until he knew outcome of discussions in subcontinent.
If Nehru endeavors avoid responsibility of making direct reply to Pak proposal by raising question of alternative approaches to solution such as partition you shld endeavor avoid discussing alternatives until such time as Nehru has given you reply and you have transmitted this to Karachi. Dept considers it of greatest importance that in these talks you avoid any possible situation wherein it mght be alleged that you compromised GOP proposals in course of conversation with Nehru.
- This telegram was repeated for information to Karachi, London, and New York.↩