690D.91/7–252: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Department of State1


15. PriMin, with FonMin Zafrulla in attendance, received me this morning to discuss his govt’s present position in Kashmir [garble]. Zafrulla did most of talking with PriMin interpolating from time to time. After reviewing non-productive negots thus far since Dr. Graham made his report last Dec, Zafrulla said Cabinet were in agreement that PriMin’s statements made to Amb Bowles and me (re Delhi’s 4815, June 26 and Karachi’s 1577, June 26) must be recognized and receive Cab support. Accordingly, Cab has agreed, if Dr. Graham has no further recommendations to make (they understand from latest communication he addressed to Bokhari, he is waiting on word from Delhi and Karachi fol Amb Bowles return to India, and my return to Pak), that they will offer these concessions in hope of achieving immed entrance into office of the plebiscite administrator:

The 6,000 militia troops in India-held Kashmir and the 3,500 northern scouts in Pakistan-held territory are to be excluded from consideration.
If India is prepared to reduce regular Indian troops in Indian-held Kashmir and Jammu to 15,000, Pak will accept a ratio of Azad Kashmir provincial forces of 4 to 1 and exclude any claim for Pak reg army troops in Kashmir.
The concession in (2) offered by Pak is subject to India’s immed consideration and early acceptance, plus Indian acquiesence in immed entry into office of plebiscite administrator.
In communicating this offer to me, GOP gives me liberty to divulge it in confidence to Bowles, and Govt of US at its discretion to communicate it to Dr. Graham in a final report to the SC as a gesture on Pak’s part. GOP feels in event an effort growing out of this offer shld fail, then it will be incumbent on Dr. Graham to submit specific proposals to the two govts relating to the maximum quantum of troops permitted to each and, on the basis of their replies, to inform the SC what he, in consultation with his mil advisors, recommends a maximum of troops of all categories to remain on both sides, in accordance with principle that in each case quantum shld not be sufficient to present a threat of aggression to the other side, nor shld it be sufficient in numbers to constitute a coercive force likely to jeopardize fairness of plebiscite.
GOP has instructed its del in New York to break off conversations with Dr. Graham if he has no specific proposals to make to their govt setting forth a recommended quantum of troops as a prior condition to the immed entry into office of the plebiscite administrator. Zafrulla, when I asked him if this was an ultimatum, said there was no time factor involved but his govt hopes that the PriMin’s suggested offer to Bowles and to me, which the Cab supports, will receive earliest possible consideration.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to London and New Delhi.