690D.91/7–152: Telegram
The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Department of State
York, July 1, 1952—5
- 1.
- Re Kashmir. USUN and Fowler called on Graham, Marin and Jackson present at Graham’s request.
- 1.
- Graham reported Bokhari and Ayub had called this morning, stated their month is up and inquired what Graham had to suggest.
- 2.
- From other sources Graham understands Ayub has instructions to return home.
- 3.
- Graham and Marin feel they have stalled Ayub from leaving or breaking off negotiations at least until Thurs evening and possibly until Mon or Tues.
- 4.
- Graham is anxious to have benefit US–UK views on next steps whatever outcome of current Karachi negotiations. He commented that it looked increasingly as if Nazimuddin had lost intra-govt fight. Ayub quoted Zafrullah to Graham as saying it is now essential to have something affirmative from Graham.
- 5.
- We left it we would again meet tomorrow when Graham hopes we might have out govt suggestions.