690D.91/6–2552: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1


1396. Re Kashmir. Emb’s niact tel 1563.2

In view: (a) indicated intention of Pak Del in NY to stop negots with Graham on June 26 or shortly thereafter; (b) info contained in reftel indicating poss willingness Nazimuddin to consider different figure on troop quantum; (c) our understanding Graham desires Ayub stay in NY, you are requested urge Nazimuddin or Zafrulla as you see fit to direct Ayub to remain in NY for poss further negots along lines Nazimuddin has indicated GOP might be prepared to consider. You may indicates US greatly interested in Nazimuddin’s consideration of new figure for troop quantum.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to New York.
  2. Supra.