690D.91/6–1952: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1
498. Re Kashmir. As result of conversations between Graham, USUN, and Dept’s reps and subsequent info that Pak Del plans to discontinue talks with Graham by end of next week, we request you discuss with Graham fol possible next steps in case. We understand Graham is already favorably inclined toward course indicated.
- 1.
- In order to forestall Pak Dels terminating conversations with Graham, before Bowles has reached Delhi and is in position to fol up on Graham’s appeal to Nehru, we believe Graham shld inform both Pak and Indian Dels on Monday, Jun 23 that he is planning to communicate with their respective Prime Ministers on the Kashmir [Page 1260] question within the next few days. Nature of communication wld not be discussed.
- 2.
On or about Jun 26 Graham wld make strong appeal to Nehru and Nazimuddin to meet together with him at place he suggests or place 2 PMs can mutually agree upon. Pak and Indian Dels cld be advised of Graham’s plea but we believe possibility of plea being stalled off by GOI is less likely if not transmitted to dels for referral their respective govts. Graham is obviously best judge as to content of plea but he might wish indicate nature of stalemate and other circumstances which dictate his being forced to request meeting. Graham might or might not indicate to 2 PMs his view on what agenda of meeting shld be. If he chooses offer agenda fol is a possibility:
- a.
- Full agreement on the unresolved points of his demilitarization program;
- b.
- Suggestions by the 2 PMs as to what he, Graham, shld say on point (a) to SC in event of continued disagreement;
- c.
- Any other suggestions or recomms which the PMs might have in mind making to him or to each other on courses of action which might lead to settlement of the Kashmir question.
We suggest that if he includes point (c) Graham might wish to indicate to both parties that, while he wld feel compelled to report on items (a) and (b), he wld not include info on point (c) unless in his discretion he decided to do so with the prior approval of both parties. This provision we believe may allay to some extent Pak fears that Graham intends to propose a new course of action to both parties and might serve as face-saving basis for GOI to indicate possible new approach to problem along lines of partial or total partition. We suggest that date for commencement of negots shld be latter part second week in July in order to give govts time to prepare for meeting and give US and UK chance to build up political support for constructive action in meeting.
- 3.
- US wld simultaneously give strong dipl support this step by urging GOI and GOP accept Graham’s request and asking GOI take more reasonable position re troop quantum if there is still hope of progress in that direction otherwise declare to Graham it ready make alternative detailed proposals. If our approach to GOI has positive result US after consultations with UK and Graham wld approach GOP saying we have assurances GOI will offer suggestion re demilitarization or new approach (depending GOI response our appeal) and urging GOP consider proposals without prejudice to UNCIP res commitments.
- 4.
- USUN shld consult with UK Del on proposed course of action. Brit Emb has been informed and has been requested to obtain views of FonOff on joint action.
- This telegram was repeated for information to London.↩