791.5 MSP/9–1054
The Indian Ambassador (Mehta) to the Acting Secretary of State
The Ambassador of India presents his compliments to the Acting Secretary of State and has the honour to state that the Government of the United States of America has authorized release of twenty-six (26) C–119G Fairchild Packet aircraft to the Government of India on reimbursable basis under Section 408(e) of the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, as amended. The Government of India visualizes that in the long term utilization of these aircraft and consequent wastage due to normal wear, tear and accidents, etc., the Government of India would require an additional twenty (20) to twenty-four (24) C–119G Fairchild Packet aircraft some time in the year[s] 1956 and 1957.
Informal discussions have already taken place with Headquarters United States Air Force to indicate the availability of these extra aircraft and the approximate cost involved. Headquarters United States Air Force have now notified that information on this subject would be furnished on advice and necessary authorization from the Department of State.
The Ambassador of India will be grateful if Headquarters United States Air Force could be authorized to release the necessary information to the Government of India.
The Ambassador of India takes this opportunity to renew to the Acting Secretary of State the assurances of his highest consideration.1
- On Sept. 23, Frederick E. Nolting, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs, informed Maj. Gen. George C. Stewart, the Director of the Office of Military Assistance in the Department of Defense, that the Department of State approved this contemplated purchase (791.5 MSP/9–1054).↩