891.2546/7–2954: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Allen) to the Department of State
131. Following several discussions between Embassy and Bhatnagar, Jha1 of MEA on July 27 handed Embassy representatives note dated July 26 which in effect finalized agreement to memorandum of commitment dated April 10, 1954 regarding purchase thorium nitrate by United States from India (Deptel 24, July 8). Note withdrew GOI proposal for amendment clause 4 and expressed agreement other minor textual changes.
In acknowledging note Embassy confirmed final agreement and stated purchase contract incorporating agreement now being prepared for submission GOI for its examination. Note expresses hope final signature contract may be effected shortly. TCM/I preparing draft this contract in consultation GOI. Text will be submitted Washington for approval prior finalization in Delhi. Please indicate who should sign on behalf GSA. Jha and Embassy representatives tentatively agreed no final official text of memorandum of commitment would be prepared incorporating various amendments although for working purposes clean draft would be prepared by Embassy. This arrangement adopted in order avoid any possible budgetary or other confusion which might [Page 1766] arise should original memorandum and amended version carry different dates. Texts of notes and documents being airpouched.2
- B.N. Jha was Secretary of the Ministry of Communications.↩
The notes and related documents were transmitted to the Department in despatch 152, July 30 (891.2546/7–3054).
For documentation regarding the discussions relating to the purchase contract and operational agreement, see Department of State file 891.2546.