320.14/12–654: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 349. Guatemalan delegate (Arenales) intends bring up December 7 morning meeting Fourth Committee question composition South West Africa Committee. Specific question will be willingness Sweden and US serve on committee in place Thailand and Norway.
Procedure will be that following committee discussion, President will be given list seven members, saying matter has been considered in committee and asking him designate members on list submitted. If USDel in committee simply reserves its position, Sweden may be expected to do same. We will then be confronted by list being submitted with US included.
Arenales and Rajan (India) have urged US membership as crucial, explaining that Guatemala, Brazil, India and Mexico, moderate Fourth Committee members at the GA, would not be able to keep South West Africa Committee from taking extreme positions. Obstructionism [Page 1054] of Fabregat (Uruguay) regarded as important only if US refuses serve. Indian and Guatemalan Dels have argued that as advisory opinion will take some time, it is doubtful that committee will have much to do in coming year. If US refuses serve, it will be regarded as uncooperative by many non-administrative authorities and as going back on its word by those who fail to recall that US willingness to serve based on subcommittee’s report1 calling for 10 members and broader terms of reference.
Sole (South Africa) approached USDel, saying that US membership would not be understood by his government. He stated politely that US was continuously seeking and receiving his government’s support such matters as atomic energy, prisoners of war, etc. Our membership might cause South Africa ask whether such cooperation really profitable. USDel informed Sole one could argue strongly that US membership by providing moderation might in fact be something his government would welcome. Sole replied that the UN would not be able to work out anything with his government on South West Africa, particularly with the government as now constituted. He said only future hope was that something might be worked out with remaining Allied and associated powers.
USDel staff maintains position that it would be preferable if we were not obliged serve on committee, but doubts desirability our refusing to do so. Believe Department should decide matter on basis all factors.
If USDel instructed to accept membership, it is suggested Embassy Pretoria be advised rationale our position.
- UN document A/C.4/274. The U.S. Representative served on the Subcommittee.↩