772.00/2–1353: Telegram

The Consul General at Tunis (Jones) to the Department of State1


250. Grellet with apparent candor yesterday gave us an extended horizon tour divisible into four headings; (1) palace, (2) Residency, (3) election plans, and (4) Communist resurgence.

No longer under pressure from Tunisians and ND and fearful diminution of his absolute personal power which he has just begun to appreciate Bey now veering away from idea of early resumption dialogue on reforms. French have always believed his protestations re desire institute democratic reforms largely poppycock and find confirmation in his recently expressed preference for status quo in which he is free from the necessity of taking decisions or from such annoying encumbrances as a legislative council. Rumors current re new instances graft, corruption and immorality in Tunisian Government and Bey local entourage (see Tunis despatch 241, February 12).2Bey showing inclination lay low and go slow. Comment: We opined to Grellet that French could not afford to let Bey’s velleity block early reform [Page 858] talks. Grellet agreed, but we suspect French Government with other worries is also not eager to come to grips with tough problem and hence is not adverse to delay blamable on Bey. Danger is that French may lose their chance by waiting too long.
Détente with Tunisians seems automatically involve increased tension between Residency and local French population and Grellet admitted Tunisians far less troublesome than French nationals of Rassemblement stamp who, having made no protest when decrees re municipal and caidal elections were in draft, are now assailing Residency privately and in press for having sold French interests down river. (See Tunis despatches 240 and 242, February 12.)3 Both locally and in Paris attempts being made to pressure Resident General into undoing even so minor a reform as elected all-Tunisia Caidal Councils. So far French Government has backed Resident General but such activities have in past been strong enough to get Resident Generals recalled (Perillier). Comment: It will take courage for French Government to stand fast against local French lobby but failure do so now may destroy few remaining hopes for settlement. We think Hauteclocque moving in right direction and should not be changed now.
Curious development is sudden denigration reputation Secretary General Pons who for months has been inactive bystander. Nonetheless, Bey, local French, ND and Paris suddenly seem to have fixed on Pons as responsible for all failures and misunderstandings. Grellet says Resident General supporting Pons (we doubt this) and insistent that he leave honorably with a promotion. Fact remains that making scapegoat of Pons might help rehabilitate Hauteclocque with Bey and Tunisians.
When asked status renewal RR concession (Tunis telegram 222, paragraph 7)4 to which Bey objected Grellet said SNCF official had made survey here which Paris studying. This official told Resident General privately that CFT renewal contract submitted to Bey was unreasonably favorable French investors who sought large profits guaranteed against risk. We gather exigent CFT proprietors not popular with Resident General but that compromise proposal along lines hydroelectric concession (i.e. third each SNCF, CFTA and Tunisian Government) in offing. Comment:Bey seems have been right this time and Resident General embarrassed. Since Tunis would thereby be more closely identified with Metropole it is hard to see why French don’t grant Bey’s wish have SNCF operate here.


While dates not settled Grellet forecast about April 15 for Caidal and first week May for municipal elections (paragraph 2 Tunis telegram 246).4 Greatly to its relief Residency gathers from ND leaflets that party will probably participate in elections. Residency was fearful boycott after which ND would claim as supporters all those failing to [Page 859] vote. Grellet believes ND candidates sure win certain areas but thinks non-ND men likely win over ND in many places. No decision taken re possible release political detainees before elections.

Grellet said resurgence Communist activity reported from Morocco and Algeria has had slight echo here. Police have evidence strongly implicating Commies as perpetrator recent bomb outrages though ND members believed to have planned attacks. Police embarrassed by recent escape Ennafaa, [garble] TCP, from detention and look forward to sending him to prison for two years when recaptured. “Universite Universelle”, fellow-traveling cultural group [garble] has scheduled first meeting in over year with prominent Commie sympathizer presiding.
  1. This telegram was repeated to Paris, Cairo, London, Algiers, Naples, Rabat, and Tripoli.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Neither printed.
  4. Not printed.
  5. Not printed.