772.00/8–2252: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France1


1041. At his request and on instrs from FonOffDaridan Fr Chargé [Page 799] called on me again Aug 20 a.m.2 to urge Dept to reconsider its position and agree to public statement on Tunisia now. (Deptel 839 to Paris, 28 to Tunis Aug 13.)3

On being informed that ConGen Tunis had under instr conveyed same US views, as already expressed to Ladgham, to Baccouche or any other Tunisian notables under Fr auspices, Daridan expressed anxiety that these views might be deformed when rptd by Tunisian agents. FonOff he added felt that this local treatment wld not suffice and wld lack force of statement by Dept.

I rptd arguments already given Daridan Aug 12 which seem to me to militate against public statement this time, unless Fr can furnish us convincing reasons how such declaration wld effectively contribute to solution of problem. I particularly requested clear indication as to who Fr believed wld be affected thereby: Tunisians, Amer public opinion or UN members. Daridan replied that motive behind Fr request, and he subsequently revealed that suggestion came from Hauteclocque, was to influence Bey and his advisers before reply made to ResGen on reforms.

I pointed out that according to our info Bey was expected to give ans Aug 21 or soon thereafter and that in this event, Bey’s decision wld already have been made, thus rendering futile US declaration. Daridan was unaware supposed imminence Bey’s reply and stated he wld query FonOff and also obtain, at my request, more complete and convincing arguments for our issuing statement which I cld present to Secy for consideration on his return next week. I told him that we shld have to be sure that we were not uselessly squandering ammunition which might be more appropriately used at later date. Possible boomerang effect in US of further statement at this particular time was also discussed. I advised him we would consider matter further but could give him now no indication of what our decision might be.

I took this opportunity to reiterate to Daridan Dept’s belief that early decision and announcement by Fr Govt accepting inscription Tunisian item UNGA agenda wld help take wind out of sails of France’s opponents. (Deptel 948 to Paris, 30 to Tunis Aug 19.)4 Despite every effort of Fr and her friends to oppose inclusion UN discussion Tunisia appeared to us to be inevitable; therefore Fr wld [Page 800] be in better position if she faced issue squarely and took offensive. Daridan expressed hope that in event GA raises question US wld support Fr contention that UN not competent to interfere in Franco-Tunisian affairs. If present negotiations in Tunis fail Daridan stated that there wld be stiffening of Fr Govt towards problem though he did not imply that Fr wld withdraw program.

  1. This telegram was drafted by Utter (AF) and cleared in the offices of Knight (WE), Elting (UNP), Bruce (U), and in NEA. It was repeated to Tunis and London.
  2. No memorandum of this conversation has been found in Department of State files.
  3. Ante, p. 795.
  4. Not printed; it instructed the Embassy in France to convey to the Foreign Ministry the Department of State’s reasons for wanting the French to announce they would agree to the inclusion of the Tunisian question on the Seventh General Assembly agenda. (772.00/8–1352)