Editorial Note

At its meeting on March 22, 1954, the National Security Council Planning Board considered “U.S. Security Interests in the Continent of Africa” as one of its agenda items. Under consideration by the Board for the meeting were the NSC Staff memorandum of March 17 and State, JCS, FOA, Defense, and CIA papers concerning United States interests in Africa (for texts, see pages 101 ff.). The Planning Board reached agreement on the following two points:

  • a. The NSC Staff should prepare a consolidated statement of major U.S. security interests in Africa.
  • b. The Planning Board should consider the revised Staff Study on North Africa now in preparation in the Department of State before determining the form and scope of a report on Africa.” (S/PNSC files, lot 62 D 1, “Planning Board Records”)

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For text of the Staff Study on North Africa, which became part of NSC 5436/1, see page 174.