772.00/4–352: Telegram
The Consul General at Tunis (Jernegan) to the Department of State1
142. Very reliable Tun source today assured me Bey was deeply distressed at having to dismiss Chenik Cabinet and did so only under direct threat of deposition. Source, who has strong Nationalist sentiments but is friendly to French and has never been politically active, has talked with Bey since dismissal and claims latter had tears in his eyes when he spoke of recent events and said appt Baccouche as PriMin was forced upon him by Pres Auriol’s msg which proposed Baccouche by name and said “this is your last chance”. Bey ceded because his own deposition wld merely have brought complete French puppet to throne and have gained nothing for Tunisia.
Bey is moving to summer palace Carthage today, one month ahead of usual time, and my informant says this is because he is deeply unhappy and will feel more at home at Carthage palace which belongs to him personally.
Source has been mentioned as possible member new cabinet but states he has not been approached and wld in any case refuse. Says no reputable Tunisian wld willingly accept office in cabinet which will obviously be rubber stamp for French. If cabinet is eventually formed under Baccouche, informant believes it will be composed of career civil servants who dare not refuse.
States in his opinion Tun people deeply shocked by Fr actions and will never accept new cabinet or reforms so long as policy of force maintained. Adds that Tunisians consider reform program announced by Baccouche April 1 (mytel April 2)2 as inadequate and full of loopholes.