772.00/3–2752: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France1
5753. For Amb from Perkins. Re Tunis tel 131 to Dept2 rptd Paris 112, pis approach Schuman soonest and express gravest US concern over report which we have reed and hope is inaccurate. Point out that such an act on the part of the French would in our opinion embitter situation both in North Africa and in relation to Arab world for years to come and make it quite impossible for indefinite future to arrive at sound evolutionary solution of Tunisian situation along lines Fr reform program.
Referring to existing situation you should then say that as Secy made clear to Fr Amb last week voluntary negotiations between France and Tunisia only sound and constructive approach to solution current difficulties. Above was reason for US representations to Amb.
New situation created by arbitrary Fr actions in detaining Chenik and other Tunisian leaders has inflamed situation to such extent that only most prompt Fr action to begin negotiations would warrant US in attempting forestall immediate inscription of Tunisian matter on S.C. agenda as currently proposed by Pakistan.
Only situation in which US could oppose SC consideration of Tunisian case would be if, by time it comes in SC, negotiations would have started or be convincingly imminent.
For this reason US Govt hopes that Fr Govt, in addition to refraining from taking any action against Bey, will be liberal in their attitude as to composition of Tunisian Govt with which they would be [Page 701] willing to negotiate reform program. You should make clear that we are not urging reinstatement of Chenik but merely that they avoid pitfall of appearing to insist, which is certainly not Fr intent, on dealing with a puppet Govt having no ties with Tunisian people and which therefore could be accused of being at beck and call of Fr.3
You should suggest Fr might further help break impasse in Tunisia and get Tunisian cooperation by appointing some Cabinet Minister or high level officer to proceed Tunis to conduct talks.
- This telegram was drafted by Knight and cleared, presumably by telephone, by Knight, with the offices of Acheson, Perkins (EUR), and Sandifer (UNA). Berry cleared for NEA. It was repeated to Tunis.↩
- Mar. 27; not printed. It informed the Department that a Residency press officer told an American correspondent the Resident General had been trying to see the Bey for 2 days, and if he did not succeed he planned to send a member of the Bey’s family to ask him to abdicate. If the Bey refused, the next logical step seemed to be forced deposition by the French, and the Consul General recommended the United States warn the French not to take that action. (772.00/3–2752)↩
- Telegram 5937 from Paris, Mar. 28, reported the Ambassador had just seen Schuman in response to telegram 5753 and conveyed the Department’s concern over events in Tunisia. Schuman told him the Resident General was meeting with the Bey that morning, and the French had indications they would arrange to set up a new cabinet of responsible persons who would begin conversations regarding the reform program. He promised to keep the Ambassador informed about developments in Tunisia. (772.00/3–2852)↩