Editorial Note
“U.S. Security Interests in the continent of Africa” was the heading of the third of three subjects discussed by the National Security Council Planning Board at its meeting on March 3, 1954. The Board had before it a memorandum of March 4, 1953, for the Senior Staff of the National Security Council on North Africa; NIE–83, December 22, 1954, page 71; NIE–69, not printed; and NIE–72, October 20, 1952, page 953. According to the Record of Meeting of the Planning Board, the following agreement was reached:
- “a. Planning Board Members should submit check-lists of the more important U.S. security interests in Africa.
- “b. On the basis of such lists, the Planning Board should prepare an agreed list of subjects relating to Africa to which further study should be devoted.
- “c. The Department of State should revise the draft staff study on North Africa dated March 4, 1953.” (S/P–NSC files, lot 62 D 1, “Planning Board Records”)