771.00/8–2053: Telegram
The Consul at Rabat (Dorman) to the Department of State
43. Saw Baudouy who related following:
Decision to depose Sultan taken yesterday Council Ministers Paris. Sultan submitted early this p.m. without difficulty and flown with two sons to near Ajaccio, Corsica. No decision Sultan’s replacement although Imam remains. Official communiqué planned 8 p.m. tonight and Mindel may convene Consular Corps before then.
Baudouy said Berber tribes “marching on Rabat” were friendly with vague instructions celebrate aid El Kebir Rabat and desire to be first to greet new Sultan.
Re signing of dahirs, Baudouy said “makes no difference. We will be able do what we like—for first three months”.
Baudouy said French against wishes forced depose Sultan by pressure Glaoui. Said ResGen recalled Morocco August 13 with instructions Paris settle situation and maintain Sultan. Having sized up determination Glaoui and tribes Marrakech ResGen returned Paris with Vimont to present Council Ministers with situation. After long debate Ministers decided Sultan must be deposed and ResGen returned Rabat this a.m. with appropriate orders.
Re “relinquishment powers” Baudouy said Sultan was “forced” to abdicate.