771.00/8–1953: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State1


649. Embassy telegram 624, August 18.2 Marchal tells us Council Ministers meeting today reached no final decision regarding Morocco, that Guillaume returning alone to Rabat this evening and that final decision will be made by Council Ministers meeting late tomorrow afternoon or night following receipt report from Guillaume tomorrow. Guillaume has been instructed to endeavor arrange some compromise settlement, which Marchal did not reveal to us.

Marchal personally does not believe that any compromise settlement is now possible as in his view events have gone too far. He believes that French Government must decide for Sultan or for Glaoui and group and points out that trouble with Glaoui would necessitate use of French Union troops throughout Morocco while trouble with Sultan will bring difficulties in urban centers. He expresses belief that whatever decision is reached, French Government keep situation under control, but believes that recent developments and present situation in Morocco have made problem Franco-Moroccan relations extremely difficult for some time to come.

[Page 621]

AFP and AP today report according authoritative circles Paris, French Government denies United Nations competence intervene in Moroccan affairs and that “diplomatic circles” say that if France called to account regarding Morocco it would “go very far”. AP quotes Foreign Office spokesman as interpreting this as position on part of France similar to that recently expressed by Senator Knowland regarding admission Communist China to United Nations when he said he would seek Senate resolution in such case for United States withdrawal from United Nations. Marchal said foregoing statement made by Baeyens as Foreign Office spokesman. He did not elaborate further.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Rabat, Tangier, and Casablanca.
  2. Supra.