320/3–1053: Airgram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel A–1. Re possible Arab-Asian attempt raise problems Morocco-Tunisia (re Delga 4372) following are Department’s preliminary views and suggestions:

Reported Arab-Asian intention send letter to GA President appears diminish possibility they might seek revive formal consideration these problems as agenda items. We would of course oppose renewed formal consideration on grounds that far too little time has elapsed since adoption of GA resolutions to expect conclusive results in negotiations. Renewed GA consideration these items at same session in absence unmistakable worsening of situation in area not only contrary sound GA practice but would represent unwarranted interference in negotiations and could prejudice their chances success. US would support invoking Rule 82 GA Rules Procedure preventing reconsideration at same session unless ⅔ majority vote in favor.
As pointed out in Delga 4253 Arab-Asians probably intend use letter to Pearson as point of departure for attack on French North African policy in Committee statements under other GA items. Polish omnibus item appears most susceptible to exploitation for such purpose. Under this item they might for example argue situation in [Page 610] Tunisia and Morocco is adding to “international tension” or that welfare these countries being unduly subordinated to interests NATO powers in East–West cold war. Alternatively they might renew charges French violation human rights vis-à-vis Moroccans and Tunisians. Latter course appears especially likely as offset probable US tactics re Soviet persecutions.
Department apprehensive such Arab-Asian tactics might provide Soviets opportunity accentuate divisions between Arab-Asians and West. We do not exclude possibility that Arab-Asians, Soviet Union or both might submit proposals under Polish item (either as separate resolution or amendments to tabled resolutions) describing situation French North Africa as a source international tension and calling for GA action beyond existing resolutions.
With foregoing in mind Department believes: (a) matter should be discussed privately with UK and French delegations and particularly with Committee chairman Muniz to concert tactics designed keep situation under control; (b) should Arab-Asians go no farther than random critical comment re French North Africa in their Committee statements under other items we should not react; (c) if they show concerted and persistent effort to make major issue French North Africa in such statements, or submit proposals under Polish item bearing on substance Moroccan and Tunisian problems, such moves should be ruled out of order by Chairman relying on Rule 82 which bars “reconsideration” unless ⅔ majority approve. Point of order to accomplish above result should be made by delegation other than US, preferably LA; (d) this whole matter should be fully considered by USDel in connection with intended counter attack and possible resolution re Soviet persecutions under Polish item.

  1. This airgram was drafted by Mangano (UNP) and cleared in the offices of Utter (AF), McBride (WE), Howard (NEA), Monsma (ARA), and Popper (UNP). It was signed by Assistant Secretary Hickerson and was repeated to Paris, London, Cairo, Tangier, Tunis, Casablanca, and Rabat.
  2. Not printed; it reported the Arab-Asian group had appointed a subcommittee to draft a letter on Tunisia and Morocco to the President of the General Assembly. (320/3–653)
  3. Not printed.