771.00/12–1252: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate at Rabat1
52. Guillaume’s action in outlawing Communist as well as Istiqlal Party,2 and particularly his firm intention to enforce this decree, wld seem create new situation Morocco and reurtel 63 Dec 103 you shld give serious consideration to wisdom Con Rabat and ConGen Casablanca receiving Istiqlal Reps at all under new situation. Views Leg Tangier and ConGen Casablanca also desired this regard.
If you shld decide receive Bargash,4 convey in advance to Residency substance proposed remarks, which shld be to effect that Dept cannot advise Istiqlal re future course of action but that you personally, knowing temper of Amer people, feel strongly that further violence no matter what origin will alienate US public opinion and maintenance public order essential best interests all concerned.
Dept interested in any views you may be able obtain from Guillaume or Baudouy re future Fr action in Morocco.
- This telegram was drafted by Cyr and cleared by EUR. Jernegan signed for the Acting Secretary. It was repeated to Casablanca, Tangier, and Paris.↩
- Telegram 64 from Rabat, Dec. 11, reported that widespread arrests of Istiqlal Party and Communist leaders had taken place throughout Morocco the previous afternoon and night, and the Istiqlal Party had been outlawed. (771.00/12–1152)↩
- Not printed; the Consulate reported it had received information that Istiqlal executive committee leaders were to have been arrested the night of Dec. 9–10, but at the last minute the action was not taken. A meeting of the executive committee was to be held on Dec. 10 to select alternates in the event of arrests. In that case, however, the Party said it could not continue to combat Communism as it had been doing, in spite of a press campaign to link it with the Communists. (771.00/12–1052)↩
- Ali Bargash, a member of the Istiqlal Party. According to despatch 220 from Rabat, he had called at the Consulate on Dec. 9 and said that widespread arrests of nationalists would be deliberate provocation by the French, which would lead to worse problems in Morocco. (771A.00/12–1552)↩