775.5/1–3052: Telegram
The Ambassador in Ethiopia (Childs) to the Department of State
313. In handing me message (Embtel 312, January 29),2FonMin at same time handed me memo today’s date reading as follows: “FonMin in recent conversations US Amb reviewed discussion between two governments of proposed arrangements for provision arms and military equipment for Ethio Armed Forces.”
Minister stated highest importance attached satisfactory conclusion these discussions and he had to reemphasize in strongest terms effect of lack of any conclusion of their discussion upon public opinion in Ethiopia. People Ethiopia were aware Ethiopia had alone among countries in her geographical and economic position met her obligations under charter UN, and is alone among them in meeting those obligations to full extent military sacrifice and commitment.
“Amb indicated he fully comprehended and sympathetically understood nature and significance Ethios commitment and position in which she had firmly and loyally placed herself. Amb also indicated he was hopeful satisfactory reply would be forthcoming from USG as a consequence of full examination and discussion of common problems during General Bolte’s visit to Addis Ababa and in particular proposal formulated for supply arms and military equipment to Ethiopia.3
“His Imperial Majesty’s wish that Ethiopia should be in military position to continue and if necessary adjust her wholehearted support of implementation UN policy in Korea under leadership USA without risk to Ethios military and political security was brought to Amb attention, and request urgently repeated a reply made now be had to [Page 419] proposed arrangements as prepared pursuant to General Bolte’s visit.”4
FonMin said in event world conflict Ethio would be on side US, and it was therefore all important for it to be in a position to assume its external obligations in that respect and it was particularly important for internal security.
- Not printed; it transmitted a message from the Foreign Minister to the Secretary of State. The Ethiopian Government stated that it would agree to accept the “Greater Sanctions” statement regarding a proposed armistice in Korea, in conjunction with the other 15 powers having forces there. (795.00/1–2952) For related documentation, see volume xv.↩
- For documentation on General Bolté’s visit to Ethiopia in 1951, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. v, pp. 1237 ff.↩
- Telegram 336 from Addis Ababa, Feb. 13, reported the Foreign Minister had again asked if the Embassy had any news on military aid for Ethiopia. When told there was none, he said he was being severely pressed by the Emperor and asked the Embassy to make that fact known to the Department. (775.5 MSP/ 2–1352)↩