Editorial Note
A consular conference of officers from the Union of South Africa and Rhodesia was held at Pretoria and Johannesburg on May 26, 27, and 28, 1953. G. Hayden Raynor, Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, was present for the conference, which was largely given over to a review of current problems of mutual interest, particularly in the light of expected reductions in staff and operating expenses. A two-page summary report on the conference was transmitted to the Department as an enclosure to despatch 470, June 9, 1953, from Johannesburg. (120.4345A/6–953)
For an account of the previous consular conference in Africa, see telegram 32, March 14, 1952, from Capetown, page 4. No other consular or diplomatic conference of American officers serving in Africa appears to have taken place in Africa during the 1952–1954 period.