AF files, lot 58 D 459, “Memoranda 1953”

Memorandum by Douglas B. Smith of the Investment and Economic Development Staff to the Officer in Charge of West, Central, and East Africa Affairs (Feld)



  • Status of Eximbank Loan in Africa South of the Sahara

The status of loans as of April 30, 1953, were [was] as follows:

Regular Eximbank Loans: $4 million loan to Liberia Mining Company for iron ore production authorized 4/27/49. The entire amount has been disbursed. Principal repaid $600,000. Interest paid thus far $418,205.

$5 million loan to the Republic of Liberia for highway construction authorized 1/11/51. Amount disbursed $400,000. Nothing has been repaid on the principal but $3,049 in interest has been collected. $1,350,000 to the Republic of Liberia for water supply and sewerage system authorized 6/14/51. Amount disbursed $817,000. No repayment of principal thus far although $11,356 has been repaid in interest to the bank.1

$17 million loan to Republic of Portugal for the construction of the Pafuri railway link2 authorized 8/28/52. As yet no funds have been disbursed. $867,000 loan to the Republic of Portugal for port handling facilities at Lobito authorized 8/28/52. As yet no funds have been disbursed under this loan.

$300,000 loan to Charles B. McDaniel for port facilities at Cabinda3 authorized 3/6/42. $65,000 of this loan has been disbursed while $235,000 was cancelled. $33,495 of the principal has been repaid leaving $31,505 outstanding. Interest collected thus far is $12,704.

DMPA Certified Loans: $7,500,000 loan to the Kilembe Mines Ltd. for the production of copper and cobalt authorized 8/21/52. As yet no loan agreement has been signed and it appears likely that this credit will be cancelled. $21 million loan to the Baluba Mines Ltd. for the production of copper and cobalt authorized 9/18/52. This credit was cancelled 4/24/53 at the request of the mining company. $22,400,000 loan to Northern Rhodesia Power Ltd. for the expansion of facilities authorized 1/8/53. As yet no funds have been disbursed.

  1. For documentation regarding the conclusion of the loans cited in this paragraph, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. v, pp. 1274 ff.
  2. In Portuguese East Africa—Mozambique.
  3. In Portuguese West Africa—Angola.