No. 1568
Editorial Note
Telegram 5731 from London, June 15, transmitted a summary of an aide-mémoire which the Foreign Office had given to the Embassy concerning a new proposition the British were considering sending to the Saudis regarding the arbitral tribunal’s determination of the boundaries and the withdrawal of forces by both sides from the Buraimi area. Despatch 4057 from London, June 16, transmitted a copy of the aide-mémoire. Telegram 5759 from London, June 16, informed the Department of State that the British proposals were confidential and the British did not want them discussed with Aramco or Saudi Arabia at that time. Telegram 512 from Jidda, June 17, reported the Ambassador in Saudi Arabia was in general agreement with the new British proposals, although he suggested some changes in the method of determining a dividing line in the disputed territory for the period of arbitration. Telegram 6959 to London, repeated as 359 to Jidda, June 18, informed the Embassies the Department of State welcomed the British effort to arrive at a compromise formula. The Department, however, was uncertain about the amount of public support it should give the proposals. The Department suggested it might, if Aramco agreed to the line proposed by the British, give the proposals general support if and when the Saudis asked the United States position. The above telegrams, none printed, are in Department of State file 780.022.