No. 1415
Editorial Note
Telegram 637 from Baghdad, April 23, reported a meeting between Ambassador Berry and Prime Minister Jamali on April 20. At that time, they reached agreement on the final points to be covered in the note on military aid. The Ambassador told Jamali that in view of the special internal legal problem in Iraq, the United States would not insist on using the word “agreement” in the final paragraph of its note, but would use the word “understanding. instead. The United States did, however, consider the exchange of notes to constitute an international agreement and would eventually publish the notes and register them with the United Nations. The Prime Minister agreed.
On the morning of April 21, the Ambassador called at the Foreign Office and formally presented a fresh draft of the United States note on military aid for Iraq. Acting Foreign Minister Jamali read a translation of a draft reply he had already prepared, which the Ambassador considered acceptable. The Council of Ministers and the King approved the Iraqi reply later that same day, [Page 2385] and Jamali officially presented the Iraqi note to Ambassador Berry that evening. (787.5 MSP/4–2354)
Despatch 755 from Baghdad, April 28, enclosed a certified copy of the Embassy’s Note No. 677 of April 21, regarding United States arms assistance to Iraq; the signed original of the reply by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and a translation by the Embassy of the Iraqi note. (787.5 MSP/42854) For the text, see TIAS No. 3108, 5 UST (pt. 3), page 2497.