774.13/3–2453: Telegram
No. 1132
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
1884. Personal for the Ambassador. Personal and confidential letter from the President to General Naguib referred to in preceding message is quoted below. Please deliver letter in accordance instructions contained that message.
Verbatim text.
[Page 2035]Dear Friend: I am writing in the sincere hope and conviction that discussion between your Government and the United Kingdom on matters of great importance can now soon begin. On such an occasion I wish to send you my warm greetings and my prayer that God will guide the efforts of both parties to a true understanding and to the beginning of a new era of mutual friendship.
I should like to give you some of my own thoughts on these matters which are of such profound importance to all of the Free World. The people of the United States, realizing more clearly than ever before the importance to themselves of harmony and strength in the Near East, have a deep interest in the success of your discussions and in the establishment of greater security of the area. The United States Government, responsive to this interest of our people, stands ready to assist you and the Government of the United Kingdom in any way you may both feel to be appropriate. Lest there is any doubt in your mind, I wish to reaffirm that the United States Government at no time ever entertained the thought of direct participation in these discussions except in response to your wish.
I have been kept fully informed by Mr. Caffery of the attitude of the Egyptian people and assure you that this Government and the American people understand and appreciate the natural aspirations of Egypt for full sovereignty over its own territory. Similar aspirations have their deep roots in the traditions of America. I am also informed of the state of public opinion in Britain, where the Government is grappling with a difficult problem. I firmly believe that it is the genuine intention of the British Government to meet Egypt’s basic requirements. The problem lies in carrying out this intention in a manner consistent with area defense. The British people want to be assured that a military vacuum has not resulted; that the immensely costly base facilities can be readily usable by the Free World in time of crisis; and that Egypt herself will stand militarily with the Free World in defense against a possible Communist aggression. I can understand this attitude, as I am certain that you can, for it makes sense if we are to discourage or meet attack.
America’s desire in this situation is to see disappear a long misunderstanding between two friends, and to see it supplanted by arrangements under which Egypt, as an equal partner, will take her key position with other members of the Free World in building an effective defense of your area. No defense organization has been drawn up to which Egypt would be asked to give her consent in advance, although as a soldier I have personal views on this subject which I believe would recommend themselves to you. It is my strong hope that after tentative agreement has been reached between [Page 2036] Egypt and the United Kingdom regarding evacuation and future maintenance of the Canal Base, you will wish to discuss at once the broader problem of defense of the Middle East area. I believe it to be in the best interest of all of us to see joint defense planning, among nations of the area and those of us who are in a position to assist, start at the earliest practical moment. It would seem to me to be a great tragedy if circumstances were such as to preclude the beginning of such cooperative effort prior to the completion of evacuation, which as you know will necessarily take some time.
The great strides made by Egypt in solving her internal and external problems under your leadership have won the admiration and respect of the American people. The solution in the short space of a few months of the Sudan problem, which has plagued Egyptian-British relations for more than one-half a century is a monument to your statesmanship, patience and courage. Being therefore fully convinced of the good faith of both parties to the forthcoming talks, I feel confident of their success. America will stand ready to assist Egypt materially in fulfilling its new role which nature has accorded her as a keystone in any structure which may be built for the defense of the Middle East. Sincerely yours, signed Dwight D. Eisenhower. End Verbatim text.2
- Repeated priority to London as telegram 6342. Drafted and approved by Byroade for transmission after obtaining clearance in draft from the President, the Secretary of State, and the Under Secretary of State.↩
- Ambassador Caffery reported in telegram 2150, Mar. 27, not printed, that he had delivered the President’s message, and that General Naguib had told Caffery that the letter would receive serious and immediate attention. (774.13/3–2753)↩