611.80/9–154: Circular Telegram

No. 881
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1

top secret

125. After considering field comments on Depcirtel 1082 we now contemplate possible delivery to Israel and later publication of statement on US Near East policy given below. Similar statements could be given individual Arab states. We believe UK and Turkey may wish make parallel statements or associate themselves with ours but matter should not be discussed with them this stage.

Statement sets forth policies US now following NE as endorsed in general both at Istanbul conference and subsequently by missions in field. It intended meet to extent permitted by our constitutional processes any legitimate Israel fears of Arab attack. While possibility military aid to Israel mentioned in context of area defense arrangements no commitment made to maintain balance between Israel and Arab states.

[Page 1640]

Comments addressees requested urgently.

(Articles omitted)

“I have honor refer recent expressions apprehension by Government Israel over security situation in Near East and particularly over efforts by Government United States to develop economic and defensive strength of area as whole against subversion or aggression from without area. Government Israel has voiced concern lest current trends might adversely affect Israel’s security position.

In order allay misapprehensions and to correct misinterpretations which have arisen I wish set forth certain established policies of United States Government with respect Near East area.

  • First, traditional friendship of United States for state of Israel remains firm and has in no way been diminished by its friendship also for the various Arab states.
  • Second, a definitive and just peace between Israel and Arab states continues to be a major ultimate objective of United States. Present absence of peace perpetuates weakness in area and is therefore no more in interest of United States than in that Israel or Arab states. Practical considerations arising from the divergent basic positions held by states concerned cause United States to believe that a series of adjustments offers best prospects of progress toward peace.
  • Third, increasingly serious threat posed by Soviet Communist imperialism leads United States to assist immediately efforts of states in area to increase their ability to resist outside attempts at covert or overt aggression. This course of action cannot await solution Arab-Israel differences. In this connection, United States Government does not exclude an eventual program of arms assistance to Israel. United States Government will hope for cooperation of Israel and Arab states in continued efforts to abate causes of Arab-Israel tension, and it will take measures to ensure that armed strength developed for defense of area as a whole is not misused and misdirected toward aggressive purposes within area itself.
  • Fourth, particular importance is attached by United States to deterring an outbreak of hostilities in area, and to assuring security Israel and of each individual Arab state. This Government stands firmly behind Tripartite Declaration of May 25, 1950 issued in common with Governments United Kingdom and France. Declaration included statement that “The Three Governments, should they find that any of these states (The Arab States or Israel) was preparing to violate frontiers or armistice lines, would, consistently with their obligations as members of the United Nations, immediately take action, both within and outside the United Nations, to prevent such violation.’ United States is confident that states of area, consistent with their obligations under Charter of United Nations or the pertinent armistice agreements, will not resort to force to resolve their differences. Should this confidence prove misplaced and an armed attack occur by an Arab state on Israel or by Israel on an Arab state, United States in accordance with its constitutional processes and Tripartite Declaration will immediately take appropriate action to cut off aid to aggressor and to seek to thwart such aggression.
[Page 1641]

I trust that this statement of United States policy will meet Israel’s desire for assurances that, should she become target of aggression, United States would take appropriate action to protect Israel’s security. It is wish of United States to put at rest the spectre of a renewal of intra-area conflict and to facilitate creation of strength against outside aggression in order that every state in Near East without fear may devote its energies to realizing the economic and social advances rightly demanded by its peoples.”

  1. Sent to Amman, Ankara, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, and Tehran.
  2. Document 867.