684A.85/7–354: Telegram

No. 841
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Jordan1


11. Embassy should reply as follows note re recent developments Jerusalem Embtel 11:2 [Page 1588]

Deep US concern over entire border situation shown by proposals advanced together with UK and France on May 22.
We particularly disturbed over firing in Jerusalem both because of exceptionally serious nature and possible damage Holy Places. We note that after most careful investigation UNTSO unable ascertain which party fired first shot and fully endorse General Bennike’s injunction that both sides should concentrate on preventing recurrences such incidents.
In our view Jerusalem episode symptomatic disturbed conditions along entire border and we hope it will impress on both sides need for cooperation in necessary remedial steps. We believe most effective way achieving stability which all desire is through implementation measures suggested by three powers.
No evidence available to us of Israel intention launch attack against Jordan, and we note UNTSO found no evidence either side planned offensive. Should we find that any state is preparing violate frontiers or armistice lines we would immediately take action together with UK and France under Tripartite Declaration.

At its discretion Jidda may communicate above to Saudis in reply message Embtel 153 from King Saud.

  1. Repeated to Jidda, Tel Aviv, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, London, Paris, and Jerusalem.
  2. Telegram 11 from Amman, July 6, reported that the Embassy had received a note from the Foreign Minister expressing the view that recent developments in Jerusalem threatened the security of Jordan, and that the Jerusalem attack was a camouflage for an impending attack on all of West Jordan. It called upon the United States as a signatory of the Tripartite Declaration to adopt “quick, firm, and effective measures” to compel Israeli respect for armistice agreements and the Tripartite Declaration. (684A.85/7–654)
  3. In telegram 15 from Jidda, July 9, Ambassador Wadsworth reported that the head of the Foreign Office had called on him with a message from King Saud. After outlining recent events in Jerusalem, the message said: “Saudi Government is highly agitated. It is announcing on Mecca radio that it will give any help asked by Jordan and it has sent instructions to Ambassador Asad in Washington to protest to US Government and United Nations against this Israeli barbarism.” (123 Hare, Raymond A.)