
No. 836
The Chargé in Israel (Russell) to the Israeli Prime Minister (Sharett)1


The Government of the United States of America, sharing with the Government of Israel a grave concern over the state of frontier tension in the area, has sought to devise, in concert with the Governments of the United Kingdom and of France, proposals of appropriate steps to contribute to a reduction of this tension. Pursuant to instructions received from the Department of State, the Embassy transmits to the Government of Israel for its consideration the following suggestions of possible practical measures for reducing frontier incidents:

The acceptance by the parties to the Armistice Agreements of their obligations to attend meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commissions, and the resumption of the operation of Local Commanders Agreements.
The amendment of rules of procedure of the Mixed Armistice Commissions to enable the chairman to propose resolutions instead of merely rubber-stamping those of one side or the other.
The appointment to the staff of the Mixed Armistice Commission of United Nations translators and politico-legal advisers.
Publicity by the United Nations for Mixed Armistice Commission decisions and border conditions and the responsibility therefor.
An increase in the number of United Nations observers, who should be stationed on both sides of the border instead of mostly on the Arab side as at present.
Observers to enjoy freedom of movement and investigation at all points of the border.
Additional equipment for observers, such as tracking dogs, helicopters and improved radio communications.
Each party to inform the Mixed Armistice Commission of the punishment of persons convicted of infiltration or other violations of the armistice.
Demarcation of the border by United Nations observers (without prejuduce to political rights and claims of either side), this if possible to follow frontier rectifications, and the erection of physical barriers at the most important points.
A system of passes for the movement of Arabs from the Gaza Strip to Jordan under United Nations supervision. (A good deal of such traffic is innocent in motive and its regularization should serve to reduce incidents.)
Any other preventive measures, whether by the parties or the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization.

The foregoing suggestions have been presented to the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of The Jordan.

The Department of State hopes that the Government of Israel, whose views and recommendations regarding possible measures are earnestly sought, will give serious consideration to these suggestions which have been formulated out of a sincere desire to see constructive and feasible steps taken to reduce border tension.

Tel Aviv, June 19, 1954.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department in despatch 987 from Tel Aviv, June 21. The aide-mémoire was drafted by the Embassy pursuant to instructions sent in telegram 862 to Tel Aviv, June 17. The telegram included a list of points to be included in the formal démarche, and the Embassy was given discretion as to the manner of presentation. The Embassy was to point out that an identical list of measures had been presented at Amman, but was not to indicate which measures the Jordanian Government had rejected or accepted. The Embassy was also instructed to consult with the British and French Missions in Israel regarding the démarche. (684A.85322/6–1754)

    Russell delivered the aide-mémoire to the Prime Minister in Jerusalem on the morning of June 20. (Telegram 189 from Jerusalem, June 20, 4 p.m.; 684A.85/6–2054)