684A.85322/5–1454: Telegram
No. 825
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
792. Embtel 1168.2 Dept has concluded that need for ready access IG officials in connection with border situation and other important matters, together with general disintegration common front on Jerusalem question among diplomatic corps Tel Aviv, makes it desirable establish Embassy–Foreign Ministry working relationship and contact with Sharett. UK and French Embassies here being informed that U.S. prepared enter into arrangement as follows:
- 1)
- Emb officers below rank mission chief or chargé may transact business with Foreign Ministry Jerusalem as occasion warrants providing high level Ministry officials will be available Liaison Office Tel Aviv at regular and frequent intervals.
- 2)
- Proposal this arrangement to IG accompanied by clear statement it is made solely in mutual interest facilitating working relations, does not constitute change U.S. policy toward question internationalization Jerusalem, and would be discontinued should arrangement be misconstrued by Israel press or radio.
- 3)
- Mission chief or chargé authorized establish contact with Sharett through courtesy call Prime Ministry and subsequent informal social contact Jerusalem.
Upon return from Istanbul Russell instructed consult with UK, French and other colleagues as appropriate and proceed along foregoing lines.3
- Repeated to London, Paris, Rome, and Jerusalem; sent by pouch to Amman, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, and Jidda.↩
- Not printed.↩
On May 17, the Department advised the Embassy that it saw no firm assurance that a courtesy call by Russell on Sharett, or Embassy calls at the Foreign Ministry in accordance with the Department’s telegram 792 to Tel Aviv, would not be publicized before the démarche to the Jordanian Government regarding border measures had been completed. Such calls might be interpreted by the Jordanian Government as belying any assurance that it was being consulted first. Therefore, unless action had already been taken, the Embassy was instructed to take no initiative toward such calls until it had received final instructions following the completion of the démarche in Amman. (Telegram 799 to Tel Aviv, May 17, 6:23 p.m.; 684A.85/5–1754)
On June 16, following the completion of the initial démarche in Amman, the Embassy was authorized to proceed to establish a working relationship with the Israeli Foreign Ministry in accordance with points one and two of the Department’s telegram 792 of May 14. A courtesy call by Russell on the Prime Minister at Jerusalem would fulfill point three of telegram 792; this in turn was to pave the way for informal social contact with the Prime Minister. Russell was instructed to refrain from attending social functions at Jerusalem, but subordinate officers or service attachés might be permitted to attend at the Embassy’s discretion. (Telegram 861 to Tel Aviv, June 16, 7:25 p.m.; 684A.85322/6–1654)