684A.85/2–1653: Telegram

No. 569
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State1


1318. Deptel 7702 and Embtel 1311.3 Saw Foreign Minister Sharett personally this morning at 10:15. Made oral representations and delivered aide-mémoire in accordance with instructions Deptel 770. Sharett stated that on matter of such importance he would not attempt any immediate oral reply but assured me answer would be based on most careful consideration by IG.

In absence Foreign Minister yesterday Eytan had been given outline of representations. Sharett told me he had received advance report from Eytan and had immediately informed Prime Minister Ben Gurion, who would wish to discuss matter with me later. While he avoided any formal reply or comment, Foreign Minister gave me impression that he received favorably information that USG had expressed view to both Israel and Jordan that their [Page 1136] border relations could be solved only through concerted effort on part of both countries to agree upon permanent and workable arrangements which should be faithfully implemented by both sides, utilizing facilities of mixed armistice commission. It was my impression further that he received in all seriousness representations based on numbered paragraphs 6 and 7 of reference Department’s telegram. Reuven Shiloah was also present at my meeting with Sharett.

Text of aide-mémoire follows by air pouch.4

  1. Repeated to London, Beirut, Paris, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Ankara, Jerusalem, and Jidda.
  2. Printed as telegram 625 to Damascus, Document 567.
  3. Not printed.
  4. The text of the aide-mémoire as delivered was sent to the Department as an enclosure to despatch 761 from Tel Aviv, Feb. 16, not printed. (684A.85/2–1653)